A truism in writing: both stories and essays tend to be terser, more edifying and more gripping if the point the author is making is demonstrated through example and experience rather than explained. This is a guideline frequently invoked by writing teachers and one that I am inversely illustrating right now! Wouldn't you rather i told a little story about how this rule helped me conquer the world?

Also, filmically, showing is considered more authentic because it allows the subject to speak in their own words (or actions, as the case may be). Of course, this standpoint does not take into account the massive sense-making power of the filmmaker as editor and author of the story told with this "authentic" material.

When I was younger a friend of mine and I used to have deep philosophical conversations for hours on end. We'd share our views and debate the differences we saw in each others argument. We rarely came to an agreement and rarely were able to alter the others perception but it was always a great conversation.

Others would sometimes join in our debates but this usually resulted in the conversation turning sour and someone storming out in a rage. This would make us laugh at the hilarity in someone who didn't understand how to truly debate and instead viewed it as a competition or actual fight. I call this the preaching complex.

People with the preaching complex don't always have the ability to understand that everyone is unique and just because someone has a difference of opinion doesn't mean that it should become your personal crusade to make them alter their way of thinking and believe the same as you do. If that were true then there would be no such thing as personal opinion.

The preaching complex is prevalent throughout society but tends to be found often in deeply devout religious circles. The more fanatical a person is in their religious beliefs the more predominant their complex appears to be.

This is just my personal opinion though. I don't say this to bash on organized religion (or any religion for that matter) its just where I see it most often.

However, its also commonly seen among younger adults in college. While they learn new aspects of their potential future career paths they go through a sort of "Preaching Complex phase". Honestly it is just them showing that they have learned new things that they enjoy and want to share the knowledge with others or showcase their new knowledge of a subject.

I always look out for things such like this in the people that I meet. It is a good way to judge someone's character. Such as:

1. It shows if someone is fanatical on stressing their point in a conversation they usually have an addictive personality. (no this doesn't mean for drugs)
2. It also shows that they like to learn and to share knowledge.
3. It shows that they are a fighter for what they believe in.
4. It shows that they are a bit controlling if they get frustrated at your rebuttal.
5. It shows that they are closeminded if they refuse to listen to your opinion on a subject being discussed.
6. It shows they are rational thinkers if they listen to a different opinion and take the time to process it mentally combined with the information they already have. (Also known as openminded)
7. It shows what jobs they would find suitable based on the way they converse. (such as judiciary/closed environments/public relations/etc)

For people that lead lives sheltered or have yet to master the art of both common sense and book sense and the ability to adapt to any circumstance then this is my way of giving you a simple way to begin to educate yourself in both areas which is otherwise known as learning to be street smart.

To be street smart doesn't always mean the person doesn't have scholastic knowledge nor does it mean that they necessarily lived a troubled life. It just means someone with the ability to blend with their environment. A person capable of maintaining all three qualities is a trump card.

Oftentimes people stagnate themselves because they find what they are good at or comfortable with and they stick to that routine. (For example a scientific genius who lacks common sense or a street smart teen that can't read or a bookworm who doesn't know how to easily converse with another.)

Personally I have a little of each but I stagnate myself by rarely nourishing any of them. A jack of all trades personality is a wonderful trait but since this leaves you rarely excelling in any particular area then if you don't keep yourself up to par with what is at your disposal then you no longer are a jack of all trades and become ordinary. Ordinary has never been a word I'd choose to describe myself so I guess its time for me to start working on myself.

(Excuse any grammar/punctuation mistakes as I never bother to pay much attention and I really hate adding links so I'll do it tomorrow. And again this is just my opinion on how I view things....baby steps...I'm not a e2 kinda gal.)

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