In music notation, a segno is a special sign placed above the staff to mark the head of a long section that repeats. It resembles a stylized 'S' with two dots and a slash through it, and looks something like this:

  /  /
  \ / 
 . X .
  / \
 / _/

It is used in conjunction with the dal segno notation. When used together on the staff, they look something like this (a dollar sign ($) is the closest ASCII approximation to a proper segno):

    /\                            $                   D.S.
---| /----------------------------|---------------------||
   |/                             |        |            ||
  /|     4                     |  |   |    |        *   ||
|  |  |  4           |    |    |  |   |   *   |    |    ||
 \ |  |        |     |    |   *   |           |    |    ||
   |           |    *                                    
  \|         -*--             

Se"gno (?), n. [It. See Sign.] Mus.

A sign. See Al segno, and Dal segno.


© Webster 1913.

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