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How to solve a Rubik's Cube

Move for this phase:
V1 T1 V1 T1 V1 T2    V-1 T1 V-1 T1 V-1 T2

(see How to solve a Rubik's Cube for a description of the move notation)

What this move does:
Hold the cube with the 2 solved faces on the left and right. This move changes the orientation of the center block of the top-front and top-rear edges.

How to use it:
Okay, you're almost there. This move is called "Rubik's Move" or "Rube Move", since it was formulated by Erno Rubik himself. To use it, you should have everything in place except 2 blocks. If those 2 blocks are adjacent to each other, hold the cube with them on the top, as shown in the final spiffy ASCII diagram:

               /   /   /   /^|
              / R / B / R /  |      
             /   /   /   / W/|    w
y           /^^^/^^^/^^^/| / |    h
e          /   /   /   / |/  |    i
l         / R / R / R /  | W/|    t
l        /___/___/___/ W/| / |    e
o       /   /   /   /| / |/  |     
w      / R / G / R / |/  | W/     s
      /   /   /   /  | W/| /      i
s    |^^^|^^^|^^^| W/| / |/       d
i    | G | R | G | / |/  |        e
d    |___|___|___|/  | W/ 
e    |   |   |   | W/| / 
     | G | G | G | / |/  
     |___|___|___|/  |   
     |   |   |   | W/
     | G | G | G | /

If the 2 blocks are diagonal from each other, hold the cube as shown above, with the solved sides facing left and right. In this case, however, the front-top edge will be correct and the front-bottom edge wrong. Performing Rubik's Move will flip the two top edge pieces, making the front-top edge improperly oriented (like the front-bottom edge) and the rear-top edge properly oriented (like the rear-bottom edge). Hold the cube with the two improperly oriented edges up, as in the above diagram, and do Rubik's Move.


You have solved Rubik's Cube. Huzzah!

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