Dr. Robert Balling Is the director of the Office of Climatology at Arizona State University. As of 1997, he had published 91 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals. Prior to 1990 most of his work involved hydrology, precipitation, water runoff and other soil related agricultural issues. Since then much of his work has been involved with global warming.

Dr. Balling is one of six or seven scientists who have studied global warming and published in scientific peer reviewed journals, and actively object to the research on global warming published by the IPCC. There are many other people who speak out against this research as well, but Dr. Balling is one of the few who have actually done work in the relevant sciences and continues to express doubts.

Since he began studying global warming in 1991, Dr. Balling has received about $300,000 in funding from coal and oil interests, including $50,000 from Cyprus Minerals, $80,000 from the German Coal Mining Association, and $75,000 from the British Coal Corporation.

Dr. Balling is the author of The Heated Debate and a coauthor of The Satanic Gases.


The Heat is on by Ross Gelbspan.

http://geography.asu.edu/balling/ Dr. Ballings home page

http://www.mtn.org/~newscncl/complaints/determinations/det_118.html A web page of the Minnesota News Council discussing the resolution of a complaint by Drs. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling against The Star Tribune.

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