Also, if the would-be successor does not meet the constitutional requirements for President then the presidency would skip them and go to the next person in the list.
1) Vice President
2) Speaker of the House of Representatives
3) President Pro Tempore of the Senate
4) Secretary of State
5) Secretary of the Treasury
6) Secretary of Defense
7) Attorney General (aka: Secretary of Justice)
8) Secretary of the Interior
9) Secretary of Agriculture
10) Secretary of Commerce
11) Secretary of Labor
12) Secretary of Health and Human Services
13) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
14) Secretary of Transportation
15) Secretary of Energy
16) Secretary of Education
17) Secretary of Veteran Affairs (thanks CentrX and narzos)
18) Secretary of Homeland Security
It is important to note that whenever one of these people ascends to the Presidency through the Succession Act, he immediately fills all vacant positions in this order with new appointees. So, in order for say, the Secretary of Labor to become president, all 10 people before him have to die all at once (or at least, before they can appoint new officers for the vacant positions). Repeated deaths of only the President would just involve the Vice President assuming office, and appointing a new Vice President, who would then assume office on his death, ad nauseam.
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