For more information, see "Always keep having fun".

The Postulates of the Mountains are as follows:

1. There is no predefined purpose to human life.
In essence, there is nothing in life for which humans need to consciously strive. If there is a predefined purpose to human life, it is one we will achieve anyway. For example, the purpose of life might simply be to die, or to live, or to breathe, or to sleep, or to experience life. These are things we all do anyway - we serve our purpose without having to strive for it.
The purpose of this postulate is to remove the idea that there is something in life which humans need to conscious strive towards for any reason, and instead present life as being without any larger commitment - in other words, as humans, we are only bound to commitments to which we choose to be bound.

2. Everyone eventually dies.
Edward Norton said it best in Fight Club: "On a long enough time-line the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
Death is unavoidable - it is the one true inevitability in human life (this is not necessarily true, it's just a postulate for a way of life). A better way to think about it is this: You could die tomorrow. In a figurative, "Mount Vesuvius will erupt tomorrow" sense, you will die tomorrow.

So why wait for the future to enjoy yourself? The most important thing in life is happiness - so enjoy yourself now. The common inference from Memento Mori is Carpe Diem. When combined with the first postulate of the mountains, the inference is that the most important thing in life is your enjoyment now - if you had one day to live, would you care so much about your petty differences with someone? Would you care so much about your "commitments"?

This is the purpose of the Postulates of the Mountains.

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