Paloma Romero, a Portuguese drummer who moved to England in the 70's and became an essential part of the proto-feminist chick-punk wave. She was originally a member of The Slits, but left before their first big release, after refusing to pose naked and covered in mud with her fellow members for the album cover. She then joined The Raincoats, and became the by far best looking member of the band. After they split up, she went to America, and is now a middle-aged suburbanite soccer mom who lives on the east coast and still plays on occasion in Christian rock bands.

I will freely admit that when I was younger I had a huge crush on her (and Maureen Tucker). The news of her present state depresses me like nothing else to this day.

Palmolive is a brand of dish washing/washing up liquid used primarily for cooking and eating implements. Palmolive 'soap' first came about in the early 1900's when the B.J. Johnson Company created a soap made entirely out of palm oil and olive oil, hence Palmolive. It turned out to be so successful that the company was soon after renamed 'Palmolive', after their flagship product. Palmolive later merged with the Peet company to become Palmolive-Peet and, in 1928, that company merged with Colgate to create the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. Peet was dropped, leaving Colgate-Palmolive as the company that brings us our Palmolive washing liquid.

It should be said that the formula has changed much over the years to reflect the science of the day, and Palmolive now contains neither Palm Oil or Olive Oil.

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