There is much opcode overlap between the various flavors of PIC processors.
This list is for the mid-range 14 bit 16CXX series. "14-bit?" you say? Yup.
PICs are 8 bit processors, but in its Harvard Architecture you are jamming the opcode AND data into a 14 bit word.
It works well: except for a few conditional statements, everything happens in one clock cycle.

Registers, conventions, etc:

W for the working register the all-purpose accumulator for the PIC

f for file register - any one of the register functions stored in memory as part of the register file

"number" or k for a constant or literal value

label for a label that identifies a constant or memory location

addlw number 
- adds a number with the number in the working register.

addwf FileReg, f
- adds the number in the working register to the number in a 
file register and puts the result in the file register.

addwf FileReg, w
- adds the number in the working register to the number in a 
file register and puts the result back into the working register, 
leaving the file register unchanged.

andlw number
- ANDs a number with the number in the working register, 
leaving the result in the working reg.

andwf FileReg, f
- ANDs the number in the working register with the number 
in a file register and puts the result in the file register

bcf FileReg, bit
- clears a bit in a file register -- i.e. makes the bit 0

bsf FileReg, bit
- sets a bit in a file register -- i.e. makes the bit 1

btfsc FileReg, bit
- tests a bit in a file register and skips the next instruction if 
the result is clear (i.e. if that bit is 0).  This is how IF/THEN 
statements get coded:  the next instruction (the one that is 
conditionally skipped) is a goto/call statement to a routine for 
that case.  Smooth, huh?  Also works with btfss and the 
increment/decrement tests.

btfss FileReg, bit
- tests a bit in a file register and skips the next instruction if 
the result is set (i.e. if that bit is 1).

call label
- makes the chip call a subroutine, after which you can 
return to where you left off.

clrf FileReg
- clears (makes 0) the number in a file register.

- clears the working register.

- clears the watchdog timer.

comf FileReg, f
- complements (invert bits of) the number in a file register, 
leaving the result in the file register.

decf FileReg, f
- decrements (subtracts one from) a file register and puts the 
result in the same file register.

decfsz FileReg, f
- decrements a file register and if the result is zero it skips the
next instruction.  The result is put in the file register.

goto label
- makes the program jump to label

incf FileReg, f
- increments (adds one to) a file register and puts the result in 
the file register.

incfsz FileReg, f
- increments a file register and if the result is zero it skips the
 next instruction. 

iorlw number
- inclusive ORs a number with the number in the working 

iorwf FileReg, f
- inclusive ORs the number in the working register with the 
number in a file register and puts the result in the file register.

movfw FileReg  
movf FileReg, w
- moves (copies) the number in a file register to the working 
register or vice-versa

movlw number
- moves (copies) a number into the working register.

movwf FileReg
- moves (copies) the number in the working register into a file register.

- do nothing (useful for timing)

- returns from a subroutine and enables the Global Interrupt Enable bit.

retlw number
- returns from a subroutine with a particular number (literal) in 
the working register.  This is used for lookup tables.

- returns from a subroutine.

rlf FileReg, f
- rotates the bits in a file register to the left, putting the result in the file register.

rrf FileReg, f
- rotates the bits in a file register to the right, putting the result in the file register.

- sends the PIC to sleep, a lower power consumption mode. 
It can be awakened by interrupts or a reset.

sublw number
- subtracts the number in the working register from a number.

subwf FileReg, f
- subtracts the number in the working register from the 
number in a file register and puts the result in the file register. 
Note that both of the subtract opcodes work exactly backwards from what you would think. Grrrr.

swapf FileReg, f
- swaps the two halves of the 8 bit binary number in a file 
register, leaving the result in the file register.

tris PORTX
- uses the number in the working register to specify which bits
of a port are inputs (correspond to a binary 1) and which are 
outputs (correspond to 0).

xorlw number
- XORs a number with the number in the working register.

xorwf FileReg, f
- XORs the number in the working register with the number in
a file register and puts the result in the file register.

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