(according to some observations and some documentation...)

PETSCII is used in Commodore 64 and some other Commodore machines (PETs, VIC-20, C128, C16 and perharps some others).

For the GNU Recode hackers: This could actually be implemented as two character sets: One as lowercase PETSCII character set (as described below; this is what most texts usually have, anyway), and uppercase PETSCII (with below lowercase as uppercase and uppercase as graphic characters, also some characters different).

The character set has 256 codes (with some repeats), and is nominally compatible with ASCII. Nominally. (At least it's not like EBCDIC... =)

Special keys have been marked <in brockets>, and *COLORS* surrounded by asterisks.

Decimal          Character

3                 <STOP>
5                 *WHITE*
13                return
14                (Switch Lowercase)
17                <CRSR Down>
18                *RVS_ON*
19                <CLR/HOME>
20                <INST/DEL>
28                *RED*
29                <CRSR Right>
30                *GREEN*
31                *BLUE*

32                space
33                !
34                "
35                #
36                $
37                %
38                &
39                '
40                (
41                )
42                *
43                +
44                ,
45                -
46                .
47                /

48...57           0-9

58                :
59                ;
60                <
61                =
62                >
63                ?
64                @

65...90           a-z

91                [
92                £
93                ]
94                ^        (UpArrow, non-ascii)
95                _        (LeftArrow, non-ascii)

96                Graphic: Horizontal line, middle two pixelrows

97...122          A-Z

123               Graphic: Horizontal/vertical line crossing
124               Graphic: Raster, left half
125               Graphic: Vertical beam
126               Graphic: Raster (4x4)
127               Graphic: Diagonal line shading TL-to-BR
131               <Shift>+<RUN/STOP>

133...140         F1-F8

141               <Shift>+return
142               (Switch Uppercase)
144               *BLACK*
145               <CRSR Up>
146               *RVS_OFF*
147               <CLR/HOME>
149               <INST/DEL>
156               *PURPLE*
157               <CRSR Left>
158               *YELLOW*
159               *CYAN*
160               space
161               Graphic: Left half filled
162               Graphic: Lower half filled
163               Graphic: Horizontal line, top row (1 px
164               Graphic: Horizontal line, bottom row (1 px)
165               Graphic: Vertical line, leftmost column (1 px)
166               Graphic: Raster
167               Graphic: Vertical line, rightmost column (1 px)
168               Graphic: Raster, bottom half
169               Graphic: Diagonal line shading BL-to-TR
170               Graphic: Vertical line, rightmost column (2 px)
171               Graphic: Vertical line, intersection to right
172               Graphic: Square, bottom right corner
173               Graphic: Line, corner from top to right
174               Graphic: Line, corner from left to bottom
175               Graphic: Horizontal line, bottom row (2 px)
176               Graphic: Line, corner from bottom to right
177               Graphic: Horizontal line, intersection to top
178               Graphic: Horizontal line, intersection to bottom
179               Graphic: Vertical line, intersection to left
180               Graphic: Vertical line, leftmost column (2 px)
181               Graphic: Vertical line, leftmost column (3 px)
182               Graphic: Vertical line, rightmost column (3 px)
183               Graphic: Horizontal line, top row (2 px)
184               Graphic: Horizontal line, top row (3 px)
185               Graphic: Horizontal line, bottom row (3 px)
186               checkmark
187               Graphic: Square, bottom left corner
188               Graphic: Square, top right corner
189               Graphic: Line, corner from top to left
190               Graphic: Square, top left corner
191               Graphic: Checker, top left and right bottom
                    squares painted

Codes 192...223: Same as 96...127
Codes 224...254: Same as 160...190
Code 255: Same as 126

Source: Bruce Bailey: Commodore 64 exposed (that unfortunately described only the marginally useful upper-case character set and didn't have all those nifty verbal representations, so there) and VICE + Commodore 64's omnipotent CHR$ function =)

peta- = P = PFY

PETSCII /pet'skee/ n. obs.

[abbreviation of PET ASCII] The variation (many would say perversion) of the ASCII character set used by the Commodore Business Machines PET series of personal computers and the later Commodore C64, C16, C128, and VIC20 machines. The PETSCII set used left-arrow and up-arrow (as in old-style ASCII) instead of underscore and caret, placed the unshifted alphabet at positions 65-90, put the shifted alphabet at positions 193-218, and added graphics characters.

--The Jargon File version 4.3.1, ed. ESR, this entry manually entered by rootbeer277.

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