P.F. Chang's
China Bistro
Yet another one of CrAzE's Q&A nodes
What is P.F. Chang's?
To make it simple; A series of company owned
restaurants featuring multiple styles of
Chinese cuisine that started up in 1993.
Where do they have stores?
P.F. Chang's is based in the
United States. They have 90+ stores and are still growing. They're larger on the
west coast than the east, but that kind of makes sense to me for
oriental foods. According to
their website they have stores in:
You can call 1-866-
PFCHANGS for locations near you. The P.F. Chang's
home office is located in
Arizona. Where is Arizona? Here:
15210 North Scottsdale Rd., Suite 300
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
What's good there?
That all really depends on your tastes. As I said above, they use many different styles of Chinese cooking. If you are attached to a certain style, the
servers are helpful enough to tell you what menu items are in what styles. Personally, I like the
Mongolian Beef over
Lo Mein, but most the people I've talked to enjoy the
Orange Peel Chicken. I haven't been disappointed with anything there yet. P.F. Chang's also offers a wide variety of
drinks and
wines. I being a minor know nothing of these sorts of things, sorry.
If you have any favorites or horror stories regarding the food give me a /msg
How much will it cost?
plates run about $12 each with the highest priced item being $17.95.
Appetizers run about $7 each, and drinks will be drinks. Two entrées and an appetizer is usually enough to feed three hungry people. I would say the average price per head would be $16.50 without
alcohol. They have well stocked bars in their facilities, so it is possible to spend $30+ per person if you put your stomach to it.
Is it funny if I call it "P.F. Wang's"?
wang has high potential as a penis joke, I really don't think it makes sense or is remotely humorous. Seriously dude, that's it you only get one more question now.
Why should I visit? I mean, what makes them special?
Like most Chinese restaurants, the whole dining room is covered in
asian decor, and the food is outstanding. If there was anything that put this place above the rest, I'd say everything just comes together well. The friendly staff, variety of Chinese foods, atmosphere, and you all seem to blend together. It's not the most traditional Chinese restaurant, but it's a damn good American Chinese place. Give it a shot. Tell me what you think.
As always, give me a /msg after reading this and tell me what you think or ask a question on something you don't get.
All information comes from real life experiences of CrAzE or http://www.pfchangs.com.