VII. Conclusions and Culminations

From the great number of similarities and relations between Christian and Greek thought, it seems that, at the very least, much of early Christianity adapted in order to satiate certain concerns and dissatisfactions with Greek Religion. Furthermore, it seems very possible that Christianity owes much of its invention to Greek thought and religion. Should such influence and even invention have taken place, it by no means discredits or invalidates Christianity, Judaism, or Greek Religion. To draw such a conclusion would be incredibly remiss. These stories, these tales, these myths are not so long lived and well loved because they are thought to be authentic; on the contrary, their lasting power stems from the very fact that they are ideas, ideas that speak to the better nature of man – the will to struggle, weep, and bleed for perfectibility, the innate passion that drives him to grow closer to the divine. Jesus, Dionysus, Demeter, and even the God of the Hebrews may never have existed in this world. But they are still true, for they exist in men's minds and offer a very real road to enlightenment and salvation.

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