Hymn by bishop
William Walsham How, in
Hymns for Mission Services, 1876. The first verse refers to
John 12:32, where
Jesus is depicted as saying "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." The tune is '
North Coates', by
Timothy R Matthews. This hymn is particularly appropriate for
Passiontide, but is not so specific as to restrict itself to that period.
O my Saviour, lifted
From the Earth for me,
Draw me, in Thy mercy,
Nearer unto Thee.
Lift my earthbound longings,
Fix them, Lord, above;
Draw me with the magnet
Of Thy mighty love.
Lord, Thine arms are stretching
Ever far and wide,
To enfold Thy children
To Thy loving side.
And I come, O Jesus;
Dare I turn away?
No! Thy love hath conquered,
And I come today.
Bringing all my burdens,
Sorrow, sin, and care,
At Thy feet I lay them
And I leave them there.
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