Jane's Addiction – Nothing's Shocking
(released 8/23/1988) by Warner Brothers
This masterpiece is what it was all about in those dark days of George Bush (the father not the son). This growling, hunk of pulsating rock and roll meat off the bone was one of the most inspiring things I have ever heard. From the Led Zeppelin influences to Perry Farrell's debauchery, this bud's for you.
I was introduced to Jane's one evening at the Rivera nightclub in Chicago when they came to town. Dragged there by friends against my drugged will I had a snazzy bowler hat stolen from me in the pit. But what a show! I'd never go back to the Beatles again, (well never say never) heh.
Eastern philosophy as punk ideology ("Pigs In Zen"), mystic romance ("Summertime Rolls") and Serial killer Ted Bundy ("Ted, Just Admit It"), as well as some swinging jazz ("Thank You Boys) all find their way into the rock lexicon in this, Jane´s second and finest
Nothing's Shocking helped revive the idea that rock didn't have to be formulaic, or be void of meaning. It also helped pave the way for the Seattle Sound and the explosion of Alternative Rock as a marketable radio format.
Track Listing:
Up the Beach
Had a Dad
Ted, Just Admit It
Standing In the Shower... Thinking
Summertime Rolls
Mountain Song
Idiots Rule
Jane Says
Thank You Boys
Pigs In Zen
Album Credits:
Angelo Moore (of fellow LA band Fishbone) - Horn
Dave Navarro -Guitar (Electric) Guitar (Acoustic) Guitar
Stephen Perkins - Drums Percussion
Kevin Westenberg - Photography
Andy Harper - Mixing
Steve Hall - Mastering
Casey Niccoli -Art Direction Photography
Eric Avery - Guitar (Bass) Guitar (Acoustic) Bass Guitar
Ronnie S. Champagne - Engineer
Chris Dowd(of fellow LA band Fishbone) - Horn
Perry Farrell - Vocals Producer Design Mixing Photography Cover Design Sculpture
Flea (of fellow LA band Red Hot Chilli Peppers) - Horn
Dave Jerden Producer Engineer Mixing