A note on this one: The "orange flower water" is made by creating an infusion from orange flowers by soaking them in water and draining out the flower afterwards. In this noder's opinion, this recipe has too much basil and too much butter, and is better with margarine instead of butter besides, but reducing the quantities of these two ingredients in relation to the others seems to make for a better balanced, creamy treat. This is a summer or early autumn recipe and is a folklore favorite of the fair folk.



Beat egg yolks, sugar, butter, thyme, basil, and orange water in bowl until smooth. Mix enough of the butter with hot noodles to coat noodles with golden-yellow color.

Yield: 8 servings
Source: Paraphrased from Telesco, A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook
Use for: Lughnasadh

Pagan recipes

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