The stage that is used to perform Noh Theater. This stage is quite different than the stage used in western theatre.

The stage looks like:
(You'll have to match the numbers... I suck at ASCII Art)

            |  1  |  
   15      9|--8--|
         10|  2  |
         11|     |  
   |3      |   4   |
 16|   12  |       |
   |       |       5
   |6    14|    ---|
   ------------|  13
  1. Kagami-no-ma
  2. Hashigakari
  3. Metsuke-bashira
  4. Ato-za
  5. Kagamiita
  6. Waki-bashira
  7. Shite-bashira
  8. Agemaku
  9. San no Matsu
  10. Ni no Matsu
  11. Ichi no Matsu
  12. Butai
  13. Kirido
  14. Fue-bashira
The audience would sit in the areas denoted by 15 & 16. The Shite enters and exits at 8, and all of the main action takes place on 12.

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