--The Nicholas Roerich Museum--

-319 West 107th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA-

If you are ever in the Upper West Side in Manhattan and are inclined to seek for a hidden cultural gem, you might benefit from stopping by the Nicholas Roerich Museum. The museum is free (contributions are welcome) and is open from 2-5 PM every Tuesday through Sunday. It is housed in a four-story stone building covered with ivy. You can recognize it by the symbol Roerich used as a universal symbol of culture for the Roerich Pact- three dots (representing art, science, and religion), enclosed within a circle. This symbol is etched on a plaque next to the front door.

The Museum holds the most prominent display of Roerich's art - possessing a wealth of his most famous works, such as "Remember!," "Tibet," "Higher than the Mountains," "Confucius the Just One," "Lao Tzu," "Milarepa: The One Who Hearkened," "Pearl of Searching," "St. Sophia: The Almighty's Wisdom," "Hermitage of St. Sergius," "St. Issa," "St. Pantemelion the Healer," "Song of the Morning," "Chintamani: Treasure of the World," "Star of the Mother of the World," "Book of Wisdom," to name just a few. In addition to Roerich paintings, the Museum also holds Roerich's written works and archaeological finds.

There is an active schedule of cultural activities that take place at the Museum. The Museum attempts to be advocate and patron of "cultural development." Musicians perform for audiences on a voluntary and free basis - the audience is primarily composed of those who ordinarily would not be able to afford tickets at major concert halls. The Museum also conducts an esteemed poetry series, supports an annual Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize, and aids in the publication of books of poetry. This, too, is provided to the public as a free service in hopes that it may promote the evolution of culture.

The website for the Nicholas Roerich Museum is "www.roerich.org". It is home to a large online collection and information concerning Roerich and the Museum.

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