ISO C defines a special way to write a null pointer: a literal `0' (or `0L', which is the same thing but sometimes used for arcane C reasons). You may convert such a literal 0 into any pointer type.

Since such a conversion is required for comparison, this means you can test if a pointer p is null by saying "p == 0" (and if it's not null by "p != 0"). For other C types, a test against 0 can be eliminated, so C defines the required conversions to let you say "! p" and "p", respectively.

Note that you should not perform any casting on this 0 value! In fact, you should just #include <stddef.h> and have done with it. There is no reason to overspecify the standard.

For convenience, the standard header <stddef.h> defines a macro NULL as `0' or `0L'. Common practice in C is to use NULL instead of `0' to represent the null pointer. However, the abbreviated tests are so convenient that they usually get used too.

NOTE: It might appear that C implementations are forced by these rules to represent a null pointer by a 0 bit-pattern. This is not true: the implementation can always distinguish pointer types from integer types, and can therefore represent the null pointer by any bit-pattern that cannot arise as a legal pointer. It then provides the appropriate conversions.

In particular, the following code:

{ char **p = calloc(1000, sizeof(char *)); /* ... */ }
does NOT allocate an array of 1000 null pointers!

These distinctions lead one to the allied conclusion that null is not zero.

C++ has generally abolished the use of the NULL macro, preferring instead the unadorned constant `0'. However, since the header file <cstddef> is still available, you can use it. That does not mean you should. Instead, write in the style of your chosen language!

So maybe NULL is 0 in C (but not always as ariels' writeup points out). But that's wrong and here's why.

Suppose we're voting with pieces of paper where you write the number of a candidate on it. And suppose they're indexed starting from 0. Some voters didn't vote but put in their paper anyway. Assuming !(null is not zero), they've just voted for the 0th candidate. There is something wrong here.

Well, maybe it isn't entirely wrong. To be more specific and avoid confusion, this node should have been a NULL pointer in C is 0.

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