An annual ranking of the most technologically savvy higher education institutions by Yahoo Internet Life magazine, a Ziff-Davis publication.

The editors keep their formula secret, so schools do now know what is weighted how. Seems a bit overly concerned with things like amount of space students have for web pages, whether or not there are public kisoks, and less concerned about whether teachers can use technology, or if students have ubiquitous access to computer technology. Schools that provide everyone with their own computer (like Drew University) are probably weighted low, because of the lack of need for computer labs in the dorms or for 24 hour computer labs.

Many important schools like Princeton, the University Of Michigan, and Stanford opted out of the survey, because the methodology was hidden, and they figured they could get away with it.

This concept was pretty cool back when it was first introduced, because schools actually cared about how wired people viewed them to be.

Nowadays, though, the schools that opt out, like mrichich mentioned, are just as well-known to be heavily technology-influenced. Besides, aside from the random liberal arts school back in the woods trying to hide from the real world, just about all decent universities are well-wired now.

I would just guess it's outlived its usefulness. Too bad, it was a pretty cool idea, but at the same time, it's a Good Thing(tm) that high-tech is such a given in higher education these days.

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