"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to "steal" ideas from many is research."



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Ac Yanto
Ah Bolom Tzacab
Ah Cancum
Ah Chun Caan
Ah Chuy Kak
Ah Ciliz
Ah Cun Can
Ah Cuxtal
Ah Hulneb
Ah Kin
Ah Kumix Uinicob
Ah Mun
Ah Muzencab
Ah Patnar Uinicob
Ah Peku
Ah Puch
Ah Tabai
Ah Uincir Dz'acab
Ah Uuc Ticab
Ahau Chamahez
Alaghom Naom


Backlum Chaam
Buluc Chabtan


Chac Uayab Xoc
Colel Cab
Colop U Uichkin
Cum Hau






Gukup Cakix


Hun Came
Hun Hunahpu
Hunab Ku
Hunahpu Utiu


Ix Chebel Yax



Kinich Ahau
Kinich Kakmo








Popol Vuh



Rabbit in the Moon






Vucub Caquix



Xaman Ek
Xmucane and Xpiayoc


Yum Caax



back to

The Maya began to consolidate their power and conquer neighboring tribes around 250 CE. At the height of their civilization, their territory covered modern day southern Mexico, all of Guatemala and northern Belize. Their empire flourished until about 900 CE when, for unknown reasons, this incredible civilization began to decline.

The peoples of Chiapas and the Lacondon are believed to be the direct decendents of the Maya and their civilization.

Ac Yanto - Mayan god of white men.
Acan - Mayan god of wine.
Acat - Mayan god of tatoo artists.
Ah Bolom Tzacab - Mayan god of agriculture who also controlled the rain and thunder. The name means "leaf-nosed god" and is depicted with a leaf in his nose.
Ah Cancum - Mayan god of hunting.
Ah Chun Caan - Mayan god of education and of the city of Merida.
Ah Chuy Kak - Mayan god of war. Also known as the "fire destroyer".
Ah Ciliz - Mayan god of solar eclipses.
Ah Cun Can - Mayan god of war. Also known as he "serpent charmer".
Ah Cuxtal - Mayan god of birth.
Ah Hulneb - Mayan god of war.
Ah Kin - Mayan god of the sun who also controlled drought and disease.
Ah Kumix Uinicob - Mayan god of water.
Ah Mun - Mayan god of maize.
Ah Muzencab - Mayan god of bees.
Ah Patnar Uinicob - Mayan god of water.
Ah Peku - Mayan god of thunder.
Ah Puch - Mayan god of death who ruled over Mitnal. Mitnal was the land of death and it was thought to be the lowest and worst of the nine hells. Depicted having the head of an owl and a human body.
Ah Tabai - Mayan god of hunting.
Ah Uincir Dz'acab - Mayan god of healing.
Ah Uuc Ticab - Mayan god of the underworld.
Ahau Chamahez - Mayan god of medicine.
Ahau-Kin - Mayan sun god with a dual identity. During the day this sun god was depicted with jaguar features. Between sunset and dawn he became the Jaguar god, Lord of the Underworld, travelling west to east through the lower regions of the world.
Ahmakiq - Mayan god of agriculture. Ahmakiq would stop the wind from destroying the crops.
Ahulane - Mayan god of war, also known as The Archer.
Ajbit - Thirteen gods of the Maya created human beings and Ajbit assisted in the construction.
Ajtzak - Thirteen gods of the Maya created human beings and Ajtzak assisted in the construction.
Akhushtal - Mayan goddess of childbirth.
Alaghom Naom - Mayan mother goddess, associated with the mind and thought and is known as "Mother of the Mind".
Alaghom Naom Tzentel - Mayan goddess of thought and intellect. Possibly older than Alaghom Naom.
Alom - Mayan god of the sky. Also considered one of the seven gods who created the world and human beings.

Bacabs - There were a group of four protective gods, who were the sons of Itzamna and Ixchel. They were giants who help up the sky at the four cardinal points. The names of the Bacabs are Cauac, Ix, Kan and Mulac.
Backlum Chaam - Mayan god of male sexuality.
Balam - A group of Mayan gods who protect the peoples in their daily lives. The Balam (which means jaguar) also protected the community from external threats.
Bitol - Like Alom, Bitol is one of the seven gods who created the world and human beings. He is also a sky god.
Bolontiku - Mayan god of the underworld.
Buluc Chabtan - Mayan god of war to whom human beings were sacrificed.

Cabaguil - Like Alom and Bitol, Cabaguil is one of the seven Mayan gods who created the world and human beings. He is also known as "Heart of the Sky".
Cabrakan - Mayan god of earthquakes and mountains. He is the son of Vucub Caquiz and his brother is Zipacna.
Cacoch - One of the Mayan creator gods.
Cakulha - Mayan god of the lesser lightning bolts. He serves Yaluk, god of lightning.
Camaxtli - Mayan god of fate.
Camazotz - This was a Mayan bat god who was defeated in the battles between the early gods and the peoples.
Cauac - There were a group of four protective gods, who were the sons of Itzamna and Ixchel. They were giants who help up the sky at the four cardinal points. The names of the Bacabs are Cauac, Ix, Kan and Mulac. Cauac ruled the south and his color was red.
Chac - Mayan god of agriculture and fertility who would also send thunder and rain. He is also one of the Bacabs, but not in the original group of four. Chac taught the Maya how to grow vegetables and protected their cornfields. He is also known as "Ah Hoya" (he who urinates), "Ah Tzenul" (he who gives food to others) and "Hopop Caan" (he who lights up the sky).
Chac Uayab Xoc - Mayan god of fish. He was thought to provide fish to fishermen, but he also ate drowned fishermen.
Chamer - Mayan god of death who was married to Ixtab.
Chaob - One of the four Mayan gods of wind.
Chibirias - Mayan earth goddess.
Chiccan - One of the four Mayan rain gods. They live in lakes and create rain clouds from their homes.
Chirakan - Mayan goddess created when the four creation gods divided themselves up into four new beings.
Cit-Bolon-Tum - Mayan god of medicine.
Cizin - A Yacatec (later Mayan) god of death. He was thought to burn the souls of the dead in the Yucatec underworld Metnal.
Colel Cab - Mayan earth goddess.
Colop U Uichkin - Mayan sky god.
Coyopa - Mayan god of the sound of thunder. Brother of Cakulha, he also serves Yaluk, god of lightning.
Cum Hau - Mayan god of death.

Ekchuah - A very fierce Mayan god of war. He was also the patron of merchants.

Ghanan - Mayan god of agriculture.
Gucumatz - Quiche (Mayan) serpent god. He gave human beings argriculture and civilization.
Gukumatz - Like Alom and Bitol and Cabaguil, Gukumatz is one of the seven Mayan gods who created the world and human beings.

Hacha'kyum - Lacondon Maya god of real people. Those who were not Lacondon Maya were not real.
Hun Came - Mayan god of the underworld, Xibalba.
Hun Hunahpu - Mayan fertility god.
Hunab Ku - Supreme god and creator of the Maya, also known as the "God of Gods".
Hunahpu - Mayan creator god and son of Hun Hunahpu.
Hunahpu Utiu - One of the thirteen gods of the Maya who created human beings.
Hunahpu-Gutch - One of the thirteen gods of the Maya who created human beings.
Hunhau - Chief of the demons and ruler of Mitnal.
Hurakan - Mayan god of wind and storm as well as one of the creator gods. He brought the Flood to the first human beings to destroy them for making the gods angry. From him we get the word hurricane.

Itzamna - Founder of Mayan culture. He gave the peoples maize and cacao and taught them writing, healing and the calendar. He is the state god of the Maya and the Moon god as well. He has the title "Lord of Knowledge". He is the son of Hunab Ku and the father of the Bacabs.
Itzananohk`u - Lacondon Maya god.
Ix - There were a group of four protective gods, who were the sons of Itzamna and Ixchel. They were giants who help up the sky at the four cardinal points and Ix was one of them. His realm was the west and his color was black.
Ix Chebel Yax - Mayan goddess of weaving. She was the wife of Itzamna.
Ixchel - Mayan goddess of the earth and Moon, protector and patron of pregnant women. She is credited with inventing weaving. Also thought to be the wife of Itzamna, she is the mother of the Bacabs. Ixmucane - One of the thirteen gods of the Maya who created human beings.
Ixpiyacoc - One of the thirteen gods of the Maya who created human beings.
Ixtab - Mayan goddess of the noose and gallows and protector of suicides. The Maya believed that the people who committed suicide, died by hanging, along with dead warriors, sacrifice victims, priests and women who died giving birth were gathered together by Ixtab and delivered directly to their eternal rest in paradise.
Ixzaluoh - Mayan goddess of water who is also thought to have invented weaving.

Kan - There were a group of four protective gods, who were the sons of Itzamna and Ixchel. They were giants who help up the sky at the four cardinal points and Kan was one of them. His realm was the east and his color was yellow.
Kan-u-Uayeyab - Mayan god, the guardian of cities.
Kan-xib-yui - Mayan creator god. After the Bacabs destory the earth, he re-created it.
Kianto - Lacandon Mayan god of foreigners and diseases.
K'in - Mayan sun god.
Kinich Ahau - Mayan sun god in the shape of a firebird. Father (and another form of) Itzamna.
Kinich Kakmo - Mayan sun god, depicted as a macaw. Also known as "The Great Macaw".
Kisin - Mayan god of earthquakes.
Kukulcan - Supreme god of the Maya. He was the god of the four elements, a creator god, the god of resurrection and reincarnation. The Maya took his myths from the Toltecs, who thought of him as a divine hero who taught them agriculture, the calendar, fishing, healing and law.

Mitnal - Mayan realm of the dead. The ninth and lowest level of the underworld. Ruled by Hunhau, it is where the souls of those who had lived a bad life were sent to. A place of eternal cold and darkness.
Mulac - There were a group of four protective gods, who were the sons of Itzamna and Ixchel. They were giants who help up the sky at the four cardinal points and Mulac was one of them. His realm was the north and his color was white.

Nacon - Mayan god of war.
Naum - Mayan god who created the mind and thought.
Nohochacyum - Mayan creation god.

Popol Vuh - Quiche Mayan book of creation.

Tepeu - Quiche Mayan creator god as well as god of the power in the sky.
Tlacolotl - Mayan god of evil.
Tohil - Quiche Mayan god of fire.
Tzakol - Mayan god of the sky.

Voltan - Mayan god of the earth.
Votan - A Mayan hero deified and called "Heart of the Cities". Husband of Ixchel and patron of the drum.
Vucub Caquix - Mayan demon of the underworld. He thought himself to be the sun, the moon and the light. For this thought he was killed by Hunahpu and Ixbalangue (he had also murdered their father, which probably had more to do with the boys killing Vucub Caquix than anything else) . He fathered the giant deamons Cabrakan and Zipacna.

Xaman Ek - Mayan god of the North Star. Protector and patron of merchants and traders.
Xibalba - Mayan realm of the dead, where Hun Came rules.
Xmucane and Xpiayoc - Mayan mother and father gods who created the first human beings.

Yaluk - Mayan god of lightning.
Yum Caax - Mayan god of agriculture and maize. He was thought to be the example of perfect male beauty.

Zipacna - Mayan giant, brother of Cabrakan and son of Vucub Caquix. The Pleiades are attributed to his creation.
Zotz - Mayan bat god of caves.



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