Mário Raul de Morais Andrade

Brazilian writer, born and died at São Paulo, 1893-1945. Pertained to the Modern period of Brazilian literature. Renewed the Brazilian culture in the first half of the 20th century. Graduated music under the Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo, having teached during a time on this school and having became a professor at it. Mário de Andrade was the first director at São Paulo's Prefecture Culture's Department.

Mário created effective means for artistic education at São Paulo's city: he organized the Coral Paulistano, the Quarteto Haydn and the Discoteca Municipal Pública . The famous writer has performed researches and courses on ethnography as well as folklore and, although not a graduated linguist, Mário de Andrade developed language studies. He directed the Instituto de Artes da Universidade do Distrito Federal. At the Instituto Nacional do Livro(National Book Insitute), Andrade constructed a back-project from which the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (National Historical and Artistic Patrimony Institute) derived.

As a poet, Mário Raul de Morais represented the Modernism, actually Mário was of one the fundamental movement heads, debuting at poetry with the book Há uma gota de sangue em cada poema, in 1917, published under the pseudonym of Mário Sobral. Within the Semana de Arte Moderna (Week of the Modern Art), in which he was one of the organizers, his name spread over Brazil claiming he as the Modernism leader. With the publication of his Paulicéia desvairada (something like "Delirious São Paulo"), Mário settled the aesthetical directions of the Modern Movement.

Together with Oswald de Andrade, another modernism writer, Mário did all the propaganda for the Modern movement

The writer went on almost any literature genre. Being the poet he was, established a reference point to a new aesthetical order. He contributed work to a variety of magazines, such as Klaxon, Estética, Terra Roxa and Outras Terra. His essay A escrava que não é Isaura made him the main Modernism theoriser(at Brazil, specially).

Main works

Poem books

  • Clã do jabuti

  • Remate de males

  • Poesias

  • Lira paulistana

  • Poesias completas

  • Fictions - tales and novellas


  • Primeiro andar

  • Belazarte

  • Contos novos

  • Novellas

  • Amar: verbo intransitivo

  • Feature books

  • Os filhos de Candinha

  • Novels

  • Macunaíma

  • Critical Works

  • Aspectos da literatura brasileira

  • O empalhador de passarinhos

  • Essays

  • A escrava que não é Isaura

  • Introdução aos "Estudos do folclore" de Luciano Ballet

  • O baile das quatro artes

  • Musical studies

  • Ensaio sobre a música brasileira

  • Modinhas e lundus imperiais

  • A música e a canção populares no Brasil

  • Música do Brasil

  • Danças dramáticas do Brasil

  • Pequena história da música
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