Been watching Hannibal. Brilliant show, I think, well written, well acted. And I'm glad it doesn't slavishly follow either the books, or the previous films. Now, when I cook, I imagine myself as Doctor Lecter -- ironic, as I'm a vegetarian. Take that, carrot!! My guest: "What am I putting in my mouth?" Me, ominously: "Pumpkin bread."


My other major development is my discovery of Welt- und Lebensanschauungen hervorgegangen aus Religion, Philosophie und Naturerkenntnis, 1910, by Professor Max Bernhard Weinstein -- a German physicist and philosopher who, among other things, taught electrodynamics at the University of Berlin, provided the authoritative German translation of Maxwell's Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, and was an early critic of Einstein's Theory of Relativity (a black mark in an otherwise distinguished, if somewhat eccentric career).

But this one especial book of Weinstein's is dear to my interests. It represents a classification and evaluation of the theological theories existing from the dawn of man up to Professor Weinstein's time. And, it contains amongst its pages of discussion of religion and philosophy the broadest and most comprehensive discussion of the esoteric theological theory of Pandeism ever set to print prior to the Twenty-First Century. Oh, a few works before and after gave perhaps two or three pages to discussion of the origins and implications of this theory. But this work devotes over 25 pages of its ~500 page total to discussion of Pandeism -- and addresses it quite positively, even though the science had in that day not yet been developed to support the the probabilities of a pandeistic Universe. It was ahead of its time, achieving only a fleeting vogue in its day, it has never before been available to the world in general, or to English-speaking readers at all-- until now!!

For, you see, this book is in the public domain by any applicable regime, having been published in Germany 103 years ago and its author having died 95 years ago. I was able to borrow a copy of the book long enough to scan the whole of it as a PDF, and this PDF is now and hopefully forevermore being hosted at the Internet Archive -- which repository created text and djvu and other versions as well.

The text version generated from my PDF scan is pretty awful, some sections acceptable but many illegible. But I have presented this problem to various Internet-based projects which clean up such things for the common weal, and I am hopeful that through these efforts, this work firstly be transformed into a correct and readable text version, and secondly that it be translated into English, and perhaps in time to every language, such a masterful forgotten work it is.


Node auditing continues to continue.

banjax, having successfully taken up The Standard Offer, is done.
Ouroboros, in memoriam, is done.
Things otherwise proceed as such:

passport is on page 23 of 27
Pseudo_Intellectual is on page 9 of 31
Segnbora-t is on page 8 of 34
And pukesick is on page 8 of 29.

In the queueueu:
avalyn is on page 2 of 5, and

Blessings, all!!

One of my drafts is a paper-like report called "On the use and abuse of E2 for its self-growth via remixing". I began writing it right after submitting my first writeup at E2 (How to love again) because I had this strange idea and didn't want to forget it.

I'm a confessed fan of this not-really-new "remix culture" that has arguably been popularized in recent years with the Everything is a Remix web series by Kirby Ferguson. The main idea of this culture is that we, as a society, are overestimating the value of "new" and "original" ideas and degrading the remix-ing of previous works; when the general process of remix-ing is (arguably) the biggest, most used engine of creativity in history.

One of the most famous examples of this statement is William Shakespeare, one of the biggest contributors to Literature. He is often cited as a master of remix, basing his plays and works on existing tales, changing the names and settings but keeping the same overall plot structure.

I don't know enough about Shakespeare to fully know whether he did remix existing tales or not, but I certainly have enjoyed remixed media and rejecting the remixing process would be kind of a double standard for me, which is one argument that I have for remixing.

I also feel a strange fascination with remixing because it's at the same time a simple concept (using preexisting media to create a new piece) without a formal way of doing it. Sometimes the actual remix method may be more interesting than the result itself, which makes it an interesting exercise on how to create art. A remixed piece can be an answer to the question "How can I combine and rearrange preexisting works?" as well as looking to express a different meaning with the same objects.

So I have decided to embark on a personal journey/experiment during which I will contribute to E2 via remixes only. The basic idea it is to Remix E2's content to create more (hopefully interesting) content. The actual remixing method, however, is still not decided. Here are some things that I will consider doing on this first remix round:

  1. Stream of consciousness on new writeups: I will read the title of a new writeup and will begin writing about whatever comes to mind
  2. Nodeshell clash:I will take two random nodeshells' titles, combine them and create a new writeup based on it.
  3. Fictionalizing: Write fiction based on a non-fiction writeup based only on its title

Of course, I will only submit these to E2 if the result is interesting and adds to E2's quality as a site. The observations and preliminary results of these will be presented on a future log. Eventually, "On the use and abuse... will contain all the results of these shenanigans of mine

Also, Happy Birthday America!

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