Yesterday was interesting to say the least.

I woke up half way across the city from my home. Walked five city blocks to get to a bus stop. Road the bus up to the University to because I had to fill out paperwork to check into the UNM Anime Club's office for the first time. Then I took the bus from the University back to my house.

I logged into E2, nearly had a heart attack looking at the catbox, waited for the chaos to die down and had to leave the house again (after lunch).

Headed back down to the University area via bus to see a friend. Found her in a heated argument with her boyfriend (her little brother let me into the house). Had to play mediator.

Walked back to the University. Talked to sarabandegreen there.

Walked to another friend's house. Got stood up by three hot Asian chicks all in one day (this isn't as interesting as it sounds). Reacquired my car from where I had left it Sunday (Hint: More walking). Drove home.

Oh, and shaogo. I'm thinking of you.

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