I had a CT scan this morning, and after nagging the daylight out of my docs, I got the results...all seven cancerous lymph nodes have decreased in size. Thus, the chemo is working, and we have hopes for a really good outcome.

Thank you all for the lurve and support. I am speechless with delight this evening.

Love, grundy

thoughts whispers touch. and scent, even still. a glass of wine to remind me, a little, as we were. sitting quietly conversation shy glances. and smiles. it feels almost forever, but not. and the gorgeous sky reminds me, so blue and crisp. it's as if we owned the stars even, as if we owned the trees and the wind and the rustling whirling close. dreams and truths. as if they existed, for us alone tempting wishing for us to steal away. for a little while.

to steal away, yes.

i'm just not sure i've ever felt, so effortlessly.

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