A very dangerous thing when dealing with red jellybeans, epsecially the Jelly Belly brand. You've been eating jellybeans, a whole pile of them, from the full 40 flavors mixed bag, picking out one by one the flavors, eating the ones you like least first so you only have the good ones left. Then you're down to a pile of red beans. You *know* some of these are cinnamon, some of them are very cherry, some of them may be the new sizzling cinnamon, although these are *usually* distinguishable by little yellow dots, and some of them are Hawaiian Punch. You don't like all these flavors, just some of them. (in my case, i *hate* cinnamon; i know a lot of people who hate the punch bean also however.) You look at them, try to compare slight shade differences. you pinch them open, try to smell them. Eventually you give up and peel off a tiny piece of the shell to taste it. Still can't tell. Finally, you break down and just pop the thing in your mouth. It will either be bliss or disgust. And until you bite down, you can't tell which...

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