The Riddler challenges the riddlee to a game of chance (for the sake of this exposition, a coin-toss).
Q: "If the coin could be anyone, who would it be?"
A: "Me."

If you flip a coin indefinitely, it comes up heads about half the time and tails the rest (assuming a fair coin, etc. etc.) In any game of chance, in fact, you can predict the rough proportion of "win" outcomes to "lose" outcomes; but you can't consistently predict the outcome of any individual coin-toss/die-roll/roulette-wheel-spin.

You take risks; sometimes they pan out, sometimes they don't. You can pick your risk and payoff factors, but there is no such thing as a sure thing. Are you flipping the coin, or is the coin flipping you? Does it make any difference in the outcome? The difference between you and the coin is only the illusion of control.

Nysalori riddles

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