There is a weird phenomenon in the Linux community that truly disturbs me. The fact that people actually fight over which Linux distribution is better. I myself use Debian GNU/Linux for many reasons from philosohy to apt-get. I have used Redhat, Slackware, Suse, Stampede, Caldera, and many smaller distros like Yellowdog but I seem to have found a home in the Debian community. I will stand up and defend those who will say Redhat is much more 31337 (or 3133t if you like) then Debian. But we all know Linux is not 31337 at all, duh! Keep in special mind that these people must have the voice of the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons. I personally do not choose to use other distros because I like Debian and will use Debian for quite some time. Thus I make a call to all of those Linux users in a cubicle and and on IRC, Can't we all just get along?

It is in geek nature to fight over what is The Right Thing. Defferent distros have different specialties, and because of this attract different people. It also good to remember that Red Hat is not going to switch to apt-get or Portage anytime soon, because they have invested so much credibility and time in RPM. The perpetual infighting and holy wars being fought over this sort of thing is part of Geek nature and should be embraced, not denied.

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