The smallest bridesmaid at a big fancy wedding. Frequently cajoled into a pink dress for the one and only time in their life, and always made to look as nauseatingly cute as it's humanly possible to make a child look.

Despite their angelic appearance, these little cherubs are all too often fiends in human form who disrupt the preparations on the big day in every conceivable fashion, throwing tantrums, losing shoes, and generally sulking about the fact that it's the bride who is the centre of attention, and not them. They are usually the hideously spoiled offspring of a sibling of either the bride or groom.

Since the bride and her mother are understandably frazzled, the task of keeping the demon under control usually falls to the senior bridesmaid present -- either the maid or the matron of honour. This is a very good reason to always refuse such a role at a wedding. Trust me on this one.

Nonetheless, as the flower girl walks down the aisle behind the happy couple, she will be transfigured into a model of perfection and you can guarantee you will hear whispers of "Isn't she adorable?".

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