If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: Tem42

1 English words of Aztecan origin (idea) Tem42 writeup
2 English words of Indian origin (idea) mauler writeup
3 English words of Polish origin (thing) Mercuryblues writeup
4 English words of Japanese origin (idea) mauler writeup
5 English words of Chinese origin (idea) mauler writeup
6 English words of African origin (idea) Tem42 writeup
7 English words of Czech origin (thing) Mercuryblues writeup
8 English words of Celtic origin (idea) mauler writeup
9 English words of Arabic origin (thing) Mercuryblues writeup
10 English words of Portuguese origin (thing) Mercuryblues writeup
11 English words of Swedish origin (idea) Tem42 writeup
12 English words of Welsh origin (thing) Estelore writeup
13 English words of American origin (thing) Tem42 writeup