Butterscotch Explodecake by Jabber was deleted. It was a direct cut and paste from www.pointlesswasteoftime.com.

The following by request of the author, randir

The following by request of the author, bonnet

The following by request of the author, DrSeudo

The following by request of the author, JayBonci

User Craig Mcpherson (who hadn't submitted a new write-up since 2000-09-08 04:03:48) submitted a deletion request asking for all of his write-ups to be removed. He replaced all the text in his write-ups with "deleteme Because I am no longer using this site, I request and require that my nodes be deleted." He also updated his homenode claiming he was leaving because Dman had been banned and for other "acts of censorship and human rights violations." So I deleted all his write-ups as he requested, with penalty. If he isn't coming back, he won't care.

I also removed ShadowNode's node, Craig Mcpherson, as there seemed little point in further vilifying him if he was no longer present.

Fixed a broken pipelink in thelordscribes the water-bra disaster.

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