Ok, Don't
blame me, this was a screwed up dream, its kind of
Ok I hope you guys like the
format; I’m going to write it out like I’m me rather than
explainingtoo much...
Phone rings.
I pick up the
phone and say, "Hello?"
Jesse (my
best friend), "Heya man,
guess what?"
I say, "What?"
"I'm getting
my own apartment!"
"Really? Cool."
"Yeah I’m getting it at the YMCA"
YMCA? How are you getting one there?"
Now that I think about it... all of a sudden I’m at his house and there's a
chart showing his plan. Got to love dreams.
Jesse: "Yeah you can live there if you work for 60 hours a week."
Me: "Cool, is it pretty nice?"
I don't really know exactly what
transpired for the next few minutes, probably dream filler
We get to this
construction site for the YMCA (a huge one) and I can see all these most the way built buildings... some with roofs even, and there's a storm rolling in.
Manager of construction of YMCA "Hey, Jesse"
Jesse: "Heya"
I was just looking around at the construction it was all pretty vacant without many people working. There was a big storm rolling in and it looked like they could use some assistance. It was really weird because I can remember feeling tired in the dream, like too tired to really work.
Some SUV drives up (a really nice blue one, like a Lexus or something). The manager is talking to them about working and saying that she can only afford people making about 3.00 dollars an hour (really weird). So these people and her talk for a while and like she wants them to work but can't afford it.
From here my dream cuts to people boarding up the houses for the storm... cuts back to the woman.
Me: "I'm really too tired to work, at best I can help you out with some
supplies (I don’t know exactly what that's about, we were a long way from my house hehe)
Manager: "That's ok (
The storm is extremely creepy, how to explain this... Ok,
imagine a storm that almost constantly has
lightning deep inside it that flashes and you can barely see it through the darkness of the cloud.
Now... I keep looking at this storm it is, excuse my language FUCKING creepy.
My dream cut to this house on the far end of the
construction site, there was like some woman telling some little kid to board up some stuff
downstairs, and he does, then he carries a big board up stairs and when he puts it over the window from the inside (who knows it's a dream) the thing
explodes knocking him through this rail and down with him
screaming (it cuts off so I don't know if he survived).
It cuts back to me again (oh yeah I forgot to mention, I was in my body seeing all this, I could see my hands and stuff, but I wasn't
watching myself do this. I was me which is kind of weird for my
dreams I'm like in some ditch type area, in between the building I was at with the manager lady and the closest other building (which was like a half mile off so I’m kind of far from either). I could feel this very
oppressing presence.
It was kind of freaky. My
dog, Bernie (A German Shepard/Collie/Chow) all of a sudden
went nuts, and it started to get all weird like jumping around and stuff (no he wasn't there earlier in the dream).
He then looks at me, and he's freaking scary, he looks evil, basically imagine a dog with deep black eye's that used to be kind blood flowing from the back of the jowls from something bad, well there wasn't any blood, and I didn't see the eye's but they should have been like that because he was freaking scary.
Ok my dog went into a
frenzy trying to
bite my throat, I held it off and pushed it to the
ground, I can't exactly remember how I saved my dog (or if I did) but I survived.
At this point Jesse was talking to me, and I could feel something coming at me trying to get into me, trying to force me out, but I was
fighting it, I could feel it trying to fill me, but I screamed and
forced my will upon it and fought it, and at this point my face was changing and stuff but my friend didn't notice. I somehow forced it out. It was fucking pissed, it started attacking me and shit and I kept forcing it away with like my
will. Well... the bastard kept
attacking me and I fought it off. I remember that I was like using my will like through my hands and shit, and then just making a barrier around me. At this point I could see it, it was probably a ghost that seems the most reasonable, it was pure white form, but it's face continually
morphed, from a dog to a skull, to a
screaming woman's face needless to say it was freaky, and it kept pushing on the barrier almost hard enough to push me over.
I was freaked, but then it left, and all of a sudden I could tell
something was wrong as my love started to get taken over. All of a sudden she was after me, and I couldn't block her all the way, she clawed at me and her face contorted into weird stuff as she tried to kill me.
I remember thinking she seemed like a
vampire as I used my will to fend her off a bit. At some point in here I struck a blow on her head, I don't know with my fist or what or even my will, but she went down for a sec and then I chopped her up (morbid huh?)
I remember thinking that vampires could come back without a stake through the heart or if you set them on fire. I proceeded to try to find a lighter, I found a big wad of paper, and I looted my pockets in search of a lighter, I found one, this
Australian crack torch my sister brought me from Australia (that actually happened) but it was out of butane (it has a kangaroo on it and it's a butane torch, I lovingly call it my Australian crack torch, made in china). Well, I knew I had another lighter because my friend loaned my one last night (that happened in real life) but I couldn't get it fast enough and all the chopped up pieces started to come together, then she was whole all of a sudden, but not yet moving.
I knew I had to get rid of whatever was in her. I went over to her body and tried to force the thing out using my will, as hard as I could I forced my mind against the thing, but it wouldn't go away, it was inside her I had get it out another way, so I
kissed her deeply and forced my energy through her mouth as hard as I could, that did the trick, the thing was out. I looked at it and screamed with all my soul, and
blasted the bitch straight to hell with Rambo/psychic
spiritual power crap. Which by the way left my girl alive and good.
This was the end of the cool
adventure/creepy stuff
unfortunately, but some weird stuff continued to commence.
At this point (I thought this was weird) I was back at my friend’s house.
But it was no longer his house, it was another friends house (once again, don't blame me I’m
explaining this dream as it
happened to me, and what i mean is it was the same house, but now a different friend owned it and it looked a bit different). I was walking around seeing what was going on.
Apparently there was a bomb
disarming demonstration thing, and I walked by this dump truck where this person was working to disarm a bomb at the bottom of some stack full of money and stuff, and grabbed a couple 100 bill stacks of bills, one was 100 dollar bills the other was 500's.
I went and sat down and some kid from my school that I said I didn't like said he was going to report me for stealing it, (A kid I've had
transgressions with in the past in real life) I proceeded to explain that might not be good for his health (this was odd, I've never stolen a thing in my life except for some bubble tape back when I was about 4 from target).
We watched the
demonstration and one of my friends jacked 10 100's from where I was hiding them, but I didn't mind, I figured I’d just waste the money anyway. I also talked to another one of my friends that was there about how his summer was going and split the stack of 500 dollar bills with him (Oh yeah, I should have
mentioned, this is US currency, I live in
Colorado). Anyway, all of a sudden I was in some different part of my friends house and his stepbrother and some friends were playing D&D and I saw some kid that looked
familiar, and he
recognized me, he seemed like a kid from my past at my
old elementary school. At some point while I was talking with him. All of a sudden he was a
small toy rabbit, but I didn't really notice (It's a DREAM!). Anyway this was about where my dream wrapped up, but I was thinking about what fun I’d have this summer with the money I’d dishonestly stolen from who knows who. This was a weird and
extremely vivid dream. Please
excuse some of the language, but this needed a bit in my opinion anyway.