While looking for a node that summed up "
don't ever call me again, you psycho bitch from hell," I ran across this node and felt that it fit perfectly with this
Lee story.
When we were 19, I had this awesome pair of
Levi's. They were mens' jeans, size 32/34. They were long and baggy and sat on my hips very comfortably. Lee borrowed them and went to visit a mutual friend in
New York City. She went, she conquered, she fought with our friend. When she came back, she gave me my jeans. About a week later, she made me
dinner and said she had something to tell me.
"You know those
jeans you let me borrow?"
uh huh...
"Well, the
actor guy Michael I told you about,
I guess he had
crabs, because I got them, and I don't want you to get mad, but, well, I wore your jeans, and so you, uhm, might want to wash them
in really hot water..."
uh huh...
"Jen, I'm really sorry."
It didn't matter, I didn't get any beasties. Funny thing is, I found out that she did pass them on to several New York
lesbians, through non-intimate contact.
So don't ever lend out your pants, because you might get back something extra. It's worse than sharing your brush in grade school.
Lee Stories