Chapter ten in Global Brain by Howard Bloom. 1st ed. copyright 2000, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

This chapter takes a look at diversity generators. Bacteria are, of course, the ultimate masters of diversity generation. These little prokaryotes can transform and mutate to feed on dirt, metal, stone, flesh, everything. When life meets a problem, life strives to overcome that problem. Bacteria can reproduce very quickly, but humans aren't so lucky, so we have to think.

"To paraphrase Emile Durkheim, a community of saints will classify a bit of lint on the heavenly robes as intolerable, and will viciously hound those who aren't lint free" (93).

"Creative bickering," as Bloom terms it, is the drive to turn a mole hill into a mountain. Ever notice how the racial groups that seem to hate each other most are related? Look at the Middle East, the Balkans, or the conflicts between Korea and Japan. This is the other big diversity generator: proving you are not like "them."

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