Diogenianus, of Heraclea on the Pontus (or in Caria), Greek grammarian, flourished during the reign of Hadrian. He was the author of an alphabetical lexicon, chiefly of poetical words, abridged from the great lexicon (Peri glosson) of Pamphilus of Alexandria (fl. A.D. 50) and other similar works. It was also known by the title Periepgopenetes (for the use of "industrious poor students"). It formed the basis of the lexicon, or rather glossary, of Hesychius of Alexandria, which is described in the preface as a new edition of the work of Diogenianus.

We still possess a collection of proverbs under his name, probably an abridgement of the collection made by himself from his lexicon (ed. by E. Leutsch and F. W. Schneidewin in Peroeminographi Graeci, i. 1839).

Diogenianus was also the author of an Anthology of epigrams, of treatises on rivers, lakes, fountains, and promontories; and of a list (with map) of all the towns in the world.

From the eleventh edition of The Encyclopedia, 1911. Public domain. The name of the encyclopedia is still a registered trademark, and is therefore not listed here. Some spellings have been changed to reflect the times (and link better) and some editing has been done, for the sake of clarity. Also, the Latin transliterations of Greek words have been used, for lack of a standard Greek font.

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