Here are some interesting tidbits for those of you who resell computers, or those of you who hate the default OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and support information (found in the System Properties dialog).

To customize the OEM information, simply edit the file c:\windows\system\oeminfo.ini

If yours is missing for some reason, create a text file with these fields:



You can continue to add support information up to 20 lines, I think. You can also create your own nifty OEM logo, just create a 175x100 bitmap and save it as c:\windows\system\oemlogo.bmp
The color (255,0,255) in RGB (a hideous violet, one of the default MS Paint colors) is treated as transparent by the logo dialog.

Some of this information was shown on TechTV and can be found at
The rest came from me poking around Windows!

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