In some senses Christianity itself can be seen as a meme, but by now an ineffectual one, blunted by its own popularity, which has overridden any message it might once have had. Nowadays it's more a breeding ground for memes- popular ones these days are the Promise Keepers, WWJD?, the little chrome fish, and of course True Love Waits. Still more ineffectual than your average tennis shoe commercial.

Rave-id Jahweh Lunch, like many others here (hi saige!), is confusing the selling of Christianity (or its silly Merkin culture), with the actual, vital, supernatural thing of Christianity. The heroes in Acts didn't sell it like it was some whiz-bang deodorant - they just lived and spoke it, and let the Holy Spirit do the work of conversion. Yes, go piss all over these modern bourgeois hucksters - but don't assume that they represent Christianity.

The powerful meme behind the incredible success of Christianity is this:

Christ died for your sins.

Simple, easy. Nothing to fear, simply believe in Christ, accept him as your personal Savior, and your sins will be forgiven. For some, it may simply be an easy way out, for (most) others, reassuring security. But no one can deny the amazing power behind this simple concept. That's why the symbol of Christianity is the cross, why the death of the religion's God is so celebrated.

It's interesting that in most forms of modern Christianity, Judas is so vilified. Yes, he did betray Jesus to the Romans, but he was serving an important function, probably sent by God (the Father) Himself, to allow Christ to die for our sins.

A bit of a note here: I am not Christian. I do not believe in sin, or god, or salvation. The above is my interpretation of the Bible stories within the context of the modern Christian faith. My historical interpretation is that Judas was indeed a creep who turned in Jesus to the Romans, who excecuted him because he was a dangerous political radical. Jesus challenged the foundations of society (look at the story of Jesus and the Moneychangers, for a start: John 2:13-22).

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