An international capoeira group that is headed by Mestre Loka, who lives in Leomintster, Massachusetts. The group itself has existed since 1982, but it was originally under the name Capoeira Esporte e Cultura Brasilera. Loka Changed the name to Capuraginga because the other was so hard to remember. Capuraginga has developed into a distinctive teaching style that is exemplified in the meaning of the name, "Pure Capoeira."

The group has a "school song," entitled Pe da Serra, the words are as follows, followed by the english translation.

Certo dia entrei na roda pra jogar,
Entrou comigo um cara bravo pra lutar.
Me assustou quando jogou uma benção.
Eu dei rasteira e botei o cara lá  no chão!
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lê! 
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lá!
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lê! 
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lá!

Nao consigo passar quando bate pandeiro e os berimbaus!
Nao aguento o desejo de parar e jogar com os meus irmãos!
Mas tome cuidado ao entrar nessa roda pra nao apanhar!
Que e oCapuraginga é  que manda aqui e sabe jogar! 

Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lê! 
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lá!
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lê! 
Capuraginga! Pé da Serra. Oh! Lê! Lá!

One day I entered the ring to play,
A wild guy came in with me to fight.
He startled me when he threw a kick.
I swept him and put him on the ground! 

I can't pass by when the berimbau and pandeiro play!
I can't stand the desire to stop and stay with my brothers!
But be careful to not get hit if you enter this ring,
Because it's the Pe da Serra that commands here and knows how to play.

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