Producers Robert Clivilles and David Cole brought House to America's heartlands with the chart-topping title track of Gonna Make You Sweat (1991), their stylish visuals and production distinguishing them from predecessors like Technotronic's 'Pump Up The Jam'. After releasing 1987's 'Do It Properly' (as 2 Puerto Ricans, A Black Man And A Dominican), they progressed from upfront Dance to nouveau Disco (epitomized by Whitney Houston's C+C-helmed 'I'm Every Woman'.

The connoisseurs applauded work with US trio Seduction, 'Things That Make You Go Hmmm...' gave House a sly slant and their storming 'Deeper Love' briefly revitalised Aretha Franklin's career. The pair continued in a funkier vein on Anything Goes (1994), but ended when Cole died of meningitis. Robert Civilles' subsequent mix mastery- notably his work with Mariah Carey- keeps C+C's legacy alive.


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