These are similar to boxty in that they contain potatoes, but they are not fried, they are baked. The milk amount is only a suggestion; chefs should use their judgment based on the consistency of their dough at the end.



Boil and mash potatoes, allow to cool. Add salt and pepper to flour and mix in butter. Add mashed potatoes and enough milk to make a soft but not too mushy dough. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and roll to ½-inch thickness. Cut into 3-inch circles using a pastry cutter. Arrange on lightly greased tray. Bake at 400º F for 20-30 minutes. Eat warm, split in half, with butter.

Yield: 9-10 scones
Source: Paraphrased from Franklin & Mason, Lammas
Use for: Imbolc, Lughnasadh

Pagan recipes

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