A Fun Fundraiser with funbags

"Milly: Don't you like girls?
Gideon: We ain't never hardly ever seen one."
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Being a mere man, they won't let me join the ninjagirls group, but living with a ninjagirl does occasionally afford me a peek into the female world, where things can be quite different, and it's not just about boobies, (rather like the glimpses one is afforded into the "Ladies' Room" as the door swings closed).

Imagine my delight then, when I discovered that this elite group of women had decided to issue a calendar! Not just any calendar, you understand, one that will be raising money for E2 and the Young Survival Coalition. As if that wasn't enough, Christine told me that the theme of the calendar was cleavage, and there would be pictures. Of boobs.

"So there'll be breasts, then?" was my delighted response. "Do I get to be a judge?" Apparently not: nursing my bruises, we hied into the garden to take a photo of Christine, with some emphasis on cleavage (as a breast cancer survivor, in her case it was cleave) and submitted it. There were with 21 submissions from 18 ninjagirls, all of whom made it to the calendar in some form.

Cut the crap, tell us how to get one

Snippy, ain't you? Typical man, can't wait to get his hands on tits. Okay, the wall calendars are on sale from October 5th, for just $17.99. Go to Cafepress at http://www.cafepress.com/ninjagirlse2 - $1.50 of each sale goes to E2, and $1.50 to the Young Survivors. There's also a year-at-a-glance version for $5.99, on which we make $2 for charity.

Larger orders attract discounts (15+ calendars will only cost you $12.47 each, the same amount goes to the good causes! If you want to place a bulk order, please communicate directly with Segnbora-T.)

So who are the Young Survivors, and why should I care?

Simply put, they are a group of women who are pushing a different agenda; "Action, Advocacy, Awareness" regarding breast cancer. To illustrate, one in four new cases of breast cancer in the US is a woman under 40, and there are ΒΌ million of them in the US now.

To quote them:

  • Many young women and their doctors are unaware that they are at risk for breast cancer.
  • There is no effective breast cancer screening tool for women 40 and under.
  • Young women are often diagnosed at a later stage than their older counterparts.
  • There is very little research or educational material focused on issues unique to this younger population...
  • Young women diagnosed with breast cancer often feel isolated and have little contact with peers who can relate to what they are experiencing.
This affects all of us, because our sisters, mothers, daughters, lovers and friends are in that group.

Remind me again, why I should buy one

  • There are boobies! And ninjagirls!
  • It's for a good cause. Or two.
  • Christmas is a-comin', your friends, colleagues and loved ones need calendars.
  • There are beautiful women lining up to show you their treasures.
  • There's all the E2 Secret Santa 2006 stuff going on.
There are plenty of opportunities for you to get a ninjagirl in your stocking (or put one in someone else's). But not in the flesh, sadly - there are only so many real ninjagirls to go around.

Credit to the whole band of ninjagirls for coming up with this, most especially to those who braved the camera for our delight and for E2 and YSC.

"I hope people realise that there is a brain underneath the hair and a heart underneath the boobs." - Dolly Parton


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