An inconspicuous subway station in Brooklyn on the F Train and G Train lines that contains conspicuous stainless steel doors that lead down into its disused and abandoned lower level.

The lower level of Bergen Street was completed in 1933, but only used between 1968 - 1976 as express stops before the subway was remapped. Today the lower level is completely unused, and the solid doors were added in 1995.

Supposedly during periods of track work on the F and G local lines the lower level is opened to allow for passengers to be dropped off, but the only real view of the station that I know of is in the movie Jacob's Ladder when the Tim Robbins' character is let off at the lower level and can not make his way out of the station, being blocked by the iron gates that previously stood in the way of curious passengers.

Today, the only way into the lower level of the Bergen Street Station is to ride the F or G one station south to Carroll Street, hop across the local lines and walk down into the express tracks. As Carroll Street is the station just prior to where the train exits the earth to cross over the Gowanus Canal, the express tracks are on the main level at the southern most point of the station, making access quite easy if you're bold enough to brave the third rail.

Urban Spelunkers in New York City interested in discovering this artifact of the subway lines/movie history are encouraged to contact me - every day I stand and wait for my train at Carroll Street my urge to hop down and walk the quarter of a mile down the tracks to the Bergen Street Station grows.

We'll pop the Jacob's Ladder DVD in, give one another the creeps, grab some flashlights and go explore - and I wouldn't mind a little company.

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