Ancient Egyptian society was very well ordered and administered by law-enforcers courts and judges.
All the classes paid their taxes in goods or services, which were then used to pay the government officials and the army.

The Pharaoh meaning "great house", was the total absolute ruler. He could have many, many wives but only one Queen could be "the Great Royal Wife".

Court Officials and Noblemen held high in ancient Egyptian society, and helped the Pharaoh rule the country. The Pharaoh would quite often reward loyal nobles with gifts of land, so that they would have their own income from taxes.

Priests and Priestesses looked after the temples and held important religious ceremonies. The high priest ran his temple with the help of some musicians, and dancers and assistant priests.

Scribes were the civil servants of ancient Egypt. Scribes administered the law, collected taxes and took part in government projects. Parents were very keen to send their children to scribal school, seeing they would learn to read and write. They would enter government where they might become rich and powerful.

Artists and Craftmen worked in workshops using tools, and were employed by the Pharoah, the government and the temples. To do special paintings and work inside the pyramids.

Foot solidiers and unskilled labourers were amoungst the poorest members in ancient Egyptian society.
Labourers paid their taxes by joining the army, or working on government projects.

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