
Among the hundred-handed giants (the Hecatoncheires) there was one called Briareus by the gods and Aegaeon by mortals. Together with his brothers he took part in the struggle against the Titans in alliance with the Olympians. Sometimes he is portrayed in the role of warder of the Titans in their underground prison, together with his two brothers, and sometimes it is said that Poseidon rewarded for his courage in the struggle by giving him the hand of his daughter Cymopolea and exempting him from keeping guard over the Titans. When the Olympians Hera, Athena and Poseidon wanted to put Zeus in chains it was to Aegaeon that Thetis turned for help, and his mere presence and the fear of his prodigious strength was enough to deter them from their plan.

Oddly enough, one tradition claims that this faithful friend and loyal adherent of Zeus was an ally of the Titans, with whom he is said to have fought against the Olympians.


Table of Sources:
- Hom. Il. 1, 396ff.
- Hesiod, Theog. 811
- schol. on Apoll. Rhod. Arg. 1, 1165
- Virgil, Aen. 10, 565ff.

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