Adam Sjödén is an outsider artist. Outsider art is a relatively new discovery. Although by definition outsider art is any art created by artists that were not formally taught, most popular outsider artists are savants and people with schizophrenia. The medium of most well-known outsider art is the painter's canvas. However, Wesley Willis is a popular schizophrenic musician. To many, Wesley is a lyrical messiah. Adam is a literary messiah.

Adam Sjödén is a schizophrenic writer. I don't think many people know about this man's art, but I believe his writing is an important and fascinating peek inside the schizophrenic mind. Only recently did he actually admit in his writing that he is schizophrenic. However, his style, choice of topics, and constant allusion to his "marxist nazi psychiatrists" makes his disease evident. Adam's canvas is the Internet message board. He leaves lengthy and detailed posts on the message boards of web sites devoted to the characters that populate his delusional world such as Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Aniston, and Pope John Paul II (or as Adam calls him, "Johannes Paulus II.")

I used to refer to his writing as ranting. However, Adam's writing is not by any means textual spillage. He is precise in what he wants to convey and religious about his duty to express every detail of his daily discoveries. Adam has a message to the people of earth. Every sentence might as well be ended with "eureka!" To him his posts are everything, so I can only take them seriously as a reader. But I am just another person and to Adam, hell is other people.

Adam does not own a computer; he writes all his messages from public terminals in libraries, McDonald's, universities, and kiosks in Visby, Sweden.

It is impossible to understand Adam's world by reading a single message. For example, if you only read the following post, you may think he is only obsessed with music or famous people (key excerpts are underlined):

Friday 06/07/2002 5:11:16am

Goodday This is Adam Sjödén

I believe Kylie Minogue loves me. She saw the European map was a picture of me running turning left towards Australia. I can't stop in Israel at that pace. Sweden is harrassing me and rumble my stomach and snap my caps and neck. The stomach rumbel steal from my soul because I want to make sunshine with my soul and not rumbles and snap like a trol. It must be really popular to snap my neck. You must be really blind not to see the map is created. Every one in Sweden want to murder me.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjödén
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

Now you must be thinking that this is a joke and that Adam is just being silly. I thought so, as well. But having read most of his work, I can assure you that this is not the case. Adam's primary objective in life seems to be to create what he calls "heaven on earth." What he means by this is a lobotomy: the only cure he can foresee that will end his mental torment. He is very aware that the limiting factor in him achieving his goal is monetary funds. Therefore, his primary objective is also to collect a bet which he believes he is entitled to. Read this post in which Adam discusses the bet he made through the Pope and regarding the 2000 U.S. presidential election:

Thursday 09/05/2002 12:44:18am

Goodday This is Adam Sjödén

I don't know what comments Bernd Joachim Schuller has made on me but he has murderthreatened me in class during project work B13 in 1996 and said he would wring my neck off once and probably hasn't passed a liedetector. He also said yesterday Wednesday the 4th September he would call the police if I suggested another trustee or let the pope decide in Swedish TV at 1800 and probably meant it so he is probably not a suitable trustee but I give all decisive authority. If Johannes Paulus II has said no to Bernd Joachim Schuller I will not suggest him as trustee again because the pope has veto as long as he lives and as long as a Will is valid. If another pope would be replacor of Johannes Paulus II I want a document stating that the betting agency will take over the betting fund so I can get my 200 million dollars not beeing overruled by a cardinal as pope. If I don't get my 200 million dollars and the betting agency is not allowed to pay me money by the Swedish government which is a violation of human rights call it what I want I want the money to be paid back to the English state because I like England and not the catholic church get the money. The catholic church and the people in it should never get the betting money for treating the pope as dirt and trying to replace him when his courage is the only thing that can save the catholic church from going under from bankrupcy but for me it is more important to get my betting money 200 million dollars than the catholic church get the money. The catholic church should think of the starving children in South America and the poverty and resolve the betting matter as soon as possible at the popes wish and I demand the 200 million dollars. No other pope than Johannes Paulus II could make such a courageos bet and earned 98 billion kronor and I promise Johannes Paulus II will come to heaven even if so he is the only catholic in Europe. I have a veto right to the betting agency that I will not let the money from the betting in London beeing paid out to any party if I don't get my 200 million dollars and I have made all the bets. It is possible I should get a higher percentual fee than 2% when I have made all the bets and invented them and have patent, perhaps 15%. But since the pope and the catholic church is such charitable matter I only demand so high percentage and it is the catholic churchs money I should be careful with: Think of all the poor people that could be saved with 20 million dollars that Johannes Paulus II dared to bet on my bet Adam Sjödén. I can take liedetector as many times as possible to prove the bets are made by Adam Sjödén. The pope was very courageous to sign contracts that would make Adam Sjödén the most rich man in the world if he won the bets, and I Adam Sjödén won and should get the money according to civil right law. All contracts are valid by national law in England, France, Italy, USA, Sweden, and Australia. I would like an invitation to the catholic church and meet Johannes Paulus II in person when I have won such a great bet and I have made the bet that can solve the catholics church problems for all future.

I have to write many times that I demand 200 million dollars because the Swedish court take out one sentence and another sentence to make a verdict and if it doesn't inlude I want 200 million dollars they probably decide the catholic church will get 100 billion dollars without paying me anything even if every human in the world knows that I demand to get 200 million dollars and will always deny they knew I wanted 200 million dollars and find that sentence is the base of the verdict.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjödén
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

I copied this entire post to show you the length of some of his work. Not all of his posts are this lengthy:

Tuesday 07/02/2002 4:48:31am

Goodday This is Adam Sjödén and I want to become billionaire. Today is the 2 July Tuesday.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjödén
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

A religious overtone persists throughout his work. Adam believes that his name is not a coincidence and he is in fact the biblical Adam: the first man, even though he knows that most people believe this is proposterous.

Tuesday 09/17/2002 6:13:39am

Goodday This is Adam Sjoden

I have a religious misbelief I believe I am the first man on earth Adam. Mankind has some problems almost all people know they are snakes in a human body and wants to be humans, and come to heaven. That requires to murder 500 million South Americans or woman Africans, maybe 700 million coloured people. Besides it is required a save function. The world is a computer and all life is programmed so you must murder a soul to take over it and save it. Besides the soul fades out. I know this because mankind is created that way and naziconcentration camps and indian extermination is not so cruel compared to for a snake to become human. So it takes some time for snakes to change moral to start murder 500 million people over a few days. It is dangerous for south state woman with brown hair in southern USA because the military can decide to make an over night raid and murder millions of people. In the end there are only rattle snakes left because they want to live the most. I write this religious letter in complement to my betting contracts with Johannes Paulus II.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjoden
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

Adam seems to be very aware that he has a misunderstanding of the world. He comes right out and says that his notion that he is the first man on earth is a "misbelief." Sadly, Adam's life is one big misunderstanding. Regardless, he continues on with his mission. In the next post, Adam brings up his most important bet:

Tuesday 09/17/2002 7:01:26am

Goodday This is Adam Sjoden

It is very long cue to the computers so I am obviously not so popular writing and I am writing something good. The threat that 700 millon Indians are going to be exterminated is very real and is just as true as the bet George W. Bush would win the presidential election with 537 votes that I said in 1985, and the betting contract with Konami that is the best you should dig it up, that is followed by the betting contract with Mercedes. It is possible that George W. Bush didn't win the presidential election with 537 votes and the papers lie Newsweek, Time, DN, TV4, TV1, TV2. The indian extermination has been planned a very long time by republicans in USA with the court system. There are many words that doesn't exist that are made up for indians to believe, that are going to be exterminated. One word is Court Marshall that is a very serious word that doesn't exist in reality but is made up for brown haired indians. Another word is Charlattan, sorry for that ugly word, but that only means Charlotte Nielsen, also a word that doesn't exist in reality and only means indian exterminations that they are speechless in court and treated like whores. I am sure there are atleast a dozen words that doesn't exist in reality. Many judges know that. The Swedish court system is the most unfair nazifacist court system in the world.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjoden
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

Money and religion go hand in hand for Adam. Perhaps the reason for this is that he knows he cannot receive his lobotomy unless he has adequate funds. Therefore, he assumes that money is an important part of his religious quest. The following posts contain instances of him blending the concept of money with the concept of religion.

Sunday 05/05/2002 7:12:09pm

I promised I could make heaven on earth and bring billions of people into heaven. I can. I can get sued for this, Joan Severance is perhaps satan like in Omen the first movie pale and blackhaired. She steal my music and gives me no money when I need millions of dollars. Joan Severance and her Sophie Ellis Bextor are no good. I played some very beautiful music for Kylie and talked saying after her so it couldn't have been a recording. Joan Severance interrupted me when I in the start said even if you are a Kylie Minogue impostorer I can play music for you, than she interrupted me when the music I played was too good and Joan Severance understood that Kylie liked my music. I don't remember what Joan Severance said to Kylie but I think she said Satan bitch.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjödén
Svärta Husby 61193 Nyköping
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

Wednesday 05/29/2002 4:41:21am

Joan Severance broke into my appartment and demanded me to delete songs from my sequencer, she messed up my opera and stole tracks from it and sold to Procoli lover and the Always commercial. Joan Severance has stolen tracks from my sequencer when I didn't delete and sold it to always tampax commercial that is harrassment. Joan Severance broke into my appartment and pour some fluid in my soymilk that was only soypowder and sugar from the start. It could have been the worst possible she poured in my soymilk, it was thick and white and tasted bitter. The question is where she could have gotten it from because there was a lot of it in my soymilk. I am sorry for writing this on Johannes Paulus II unofficial homepage which is the only place where one can write letters to the pope and at the same time display them. I am jewish in religion and think the Jewish bible is the best because it hasn't deleted anything from the old testament. I think the belief in Jesus corrupts the world that money should be wrong. The only thing that can be wrong is the lack of money. I love everything money can buy. It is very important for me that no money what so ever is donated away to any medical research or any universities. I love Kylie Minogue.

Saturday 05/04/2002 12:51:35am

I am sorry I write such revoking letters on Johannes Paulus unofficial homepage. I must have called Joan Severance a whore since she hates me so much and I appologise for that. I think I did the first time I talked to her in 1992 when I was still in highschool. I remember one time when I woke up and she talked to me in 1996 I called her a whore. She said she forgave me for that but I said it three four times more after she had forgive me so she unforgive me. I couldn't be friend with Joan Severance then she would be pleasant and visit me and I would never win the bets. I shouted I am sorr in her mail box instead. And she opened the door. I said I didn't say I am sorry I said I am zorr which is something the boys say in school. So she closed the door again and maybe was sad. I have always opposed prostitution and I think it should be death penalty on guys who goes to prostitutes. To be honest I don't care about male prostitutes. I am the only one who can come to heaven and I knew Joan Severance wouldn't so I couldn't be friend with her. I don't know if Belinda Carlisle has a donation fund for me if she has should let over it to a lawfirm. Belinda Carlisle never had any right to payback a fund meant for me. I hope the people stealing my music take liedetector tests because I want to go to court to prove I have written the songs and I am sane. You can't prove to a psychiatrist you are sane because they are the second worst devils on earth, and have make sure they have there staffs job left. Swedish psychiatrists are the worst on earth next to China they perform lobotomies and embessle money like Frances Farmer story where her parents and psychiatry cooperated to steal her money and she was raped by soldiers. If anyone else wants to come to heaven then me I need millions of dollars to have for personal expenses. I am making a recession with God until 2010 that will cost 10000s of billions of dollars.

Monday 04/29/2002 3:13:18am

I am sorry for writing twice in your guestpage but there is something I didn't write about yesterday. The people that are trying to destroy me only have one thing to nail me down on and that is that I would be a racist. The people claiming I would be a racist are Coca Cola which hand out condoms when I am catholic in the point that people should restrain themselves until they get married and I don't approve of birthcontrols. Everything the protestantic state stands for I object, and the protestant church is a state church. The people making it possible to steal my fund is a strong muslim Max Zamanian and a lawyer who has murdered threatened me three times Conny Lindhe. And still the protestantic state appoint him as lawyer to me when I demanded not to have a lawyer or atleast not him when I was involuntarily committed in 2001. The muslim Max Zamanian twisted my arm behind my back as much as was possible without braking it and threatened to bash my head in the toilet if I didn't sign an agreement that the fund "Your Contract With Laura Bush" would be signed over to Gigi Stengård, Roger Moore and Coca Cola. The only one that got racist remarks on me are Joan Severance and Sophie Ellis Bextor whom I said to that they were black because they deserve to. My own belief is that all people are born by choice except for me and I am the first man Adam, I don't expect anyone to share that belief with me. And all people look the way they deserve to. The people that had hated me most in my life have always been darker than me. My parents have always hated me and have always tried to kill my soul, my father used to be a marxist but he is not any longer I think, my parents have black and brown hair. When I was surgeoned in 1992 the anasthetic nurse was african and demanded me to sign a sperm donors contract to the operating doctor during the surgery. And all popes cardinals whom betted against me were darkhaired, atleast in their youth. Coca Cola have stolen my money and they claim I am a gigantic racist. I have the right to sue Coca Cola if they have stolen my fund "Your Contract With Laura Bush". I have no way of knowing if Coca Cola, Joan Severance or Roger Moore ever have been trustee of my fund but I have already explained how I was forced by Max Zamanian. He also forced me to sign some bunch of stupid contracts with Heidi Mark, I don't remember what he threatened me with but he blaimed the secretary of the foreign secretariat whom handled international students. I forgot to write in my previous letter that Helena Törnqvist at the Sweden America Foundation knew about the World Trade Center Attack and everyone else at the Sweden America Foundation. I promised it was true that World Trade Center and Pentagon and a barn would be attacked on the 11th of September. Bill Clinton called me on the phone in February 2000 and asked me if it was true that WTC would be attacked. Instead the conversation turned into that Bill Clinton admitted to me that he enjoyed raping Monica Lewinski. The Sweden America Foundation have always claimed that I am Schizofrenic, racist and lier when I have spoken the truth to the Sweden America Foundation. I believe people are born by choice and look the way they deserve to in that way I am a racist, I believe even children are grown up and have higher moral beliefs than grown ups. I have always hated Sweden and the Swedish state and have always wanted to move to Florida. Coca Cola or anyone who might have been in touch with my fund "Your Contract With Laura Bush" have no right to pay back my fund because I would be a racist. If they claim themselves they have, they have made it up themselves and are beeing populistic and have 5,5 billion people on there side including the university systems that the world is million years old. /Even a child can see that Europe looks like a running man with head spain, shoulders france, upward arm England and Irland, downward arm Italy with open hand with thumb and broken finger showing. Leg scandinavia and leg Turkey and Balcan. The same way America can be seen as an image of God that you can figure out yourself and I want to get to God. Not just after I have died. I believe American blond women like Hillary Clinton should run the world if she was a republican if I am not allowed to run it. My younger brother Emil can run the world as my replacor since we are quite much a like. But I had to prove to him by winning all the bets in 2001 that I was special before he hated me. I should have a fund with Belinda Carlisle but she probably tried to doom me as racist and tried to pay the fund back with an african judge after failing to appeal in atleast two courts. I should have the right to appeal Belinda Carlisles repayment because she had promised she had no right to the money after she had paid it into my account and I should have a lawyer that abide to that issue. I believe I am the first man Adam and I don't trust people that are older than me.

I am sorry this letter was dedicated so much to money. But money is really important for me to be able to make heaven on earth. I also want to claim I am not a racist but believe everyone is born by choice. Coca Cola has no right to have a contract that would say that I would get no money from my own fund that I have the right to know it exists and get money from it if I would be a racist. I am jewish in religion and I am a big capitalist, I stand for that.

I am sorry for writing so long letters on the pope's unofficial homepage but I have an important statement. The Swedish state lies all the time. Now I am forced to study a masters degree in Lund. I hope this letter has not been offending to Johannes Paulus II in any way and I hope the bettings will be paid that the Catholic Church deserves to get. And again I state that I don't need more than a few million dollars.

Hopefully the lengthiness of Adam's work is apparent. Adam's work is as repetitive as it is lengthy. Incessant apologies litter his posts (any repeats are actual repetition from Adam):

Sorry for writing on Teri Hatchers site I haven't written their yet but I will copy this letter. Have Jennifer Aniston come and visit me on Gotland when I move there to Jungmansgatan 408, if I can't move there buy the damn appartment. / Sorry for writing on Teri Hatchers site I haven't written their yet but I will copy this letter this will be a double entry. / I am sorry for writing twice in your guestpage but there is something I didn't write about yesterday. / I am sorry for writing so long letters on the pope's unofficial homepage but I have an important statement. The Swedish state lies all the time. / I am sorry that my last letter contained such hard language. / Sorry for writing so much on your webpage. / I am sorry I write such revoking letters on Johannes Paulus unofficial homepage. / I said I didn't say I am sorry I said I am zorr which is something the boys say in school. So she closed the door again and maybe was sad. I have always opposed prostitution and I think it should be death penalty on guys who goes to prostitutes. / I am sorry for writing so many times in your guestpage I am almost harrassing you. / And again I am so sorry sorry sorry Joan Severance for all I have put you through. / I am really sorry if Kylie has done things against her will. / I am sorry I got Dannii to write her songs herself instead of stealing mine like Kylie Minogue did. / I am sorry I write so much but you can't lock me off the server. / I am sorry sorry sorry Joan Severance. / I am sorry for accusing Kylie Minogue for paying my neighbours. / I am sorry to say that I must study a master this autumn. / I am sorry for writing that baby thing that decreases my credibility. / I am sorry I am can't decide but I don't know the facts. / I am sorry for beeing a racist but to me as Adam the first man it is more important that my children have blue eyes and blond hair than are tall. / I am sorry for sending in an interest application on student housing in Lund. / I am sorry for writing this on Johannes Paulus II unofficial homepage which is the only place where one can write letters to the pope and at the same time display them. I am jewish in religion and think the Jewish bible is the best because it hasn't deleted anything from the old testament. / I am sorry to write I change my mind again since I didn't know the truth. / I am sorry for writing Bernd Joachim Schuller drinks he only drinks if he is forced to and he has promised me has never murder threatened me and wanted to know if someone did. / I am sorry to write I wanted Emil as trustee I never want any relative and I demand to get Bernd Joachim Schuller and I swear and promise to never change my mind about that. / I write to tell that I am sorry to accuse my brother of threatening me that is not true. / I am sorry to write I change my mind again since I didn't know the truth. / I am sorry for writing Bernd Joachim Schuller drinks he only drinks if he is forced to and he has promised me has never murder threatened me and wanted to know if someone did. / I am sorry to write I wanted Emil as trustee I never want any relative and I demand to get Bernd Joachim Schuller and I swear and promise to never change my mind about that. / I am sorry I have been misleaded. / I am sorry I didn't appoint Bernd Joachim Schuller as trustee he surely is the most suitable, with a doctors degree in Economics and a wife psychologist. / I am very sorry I didn't trust in God for a while. I don't think there is anyone in the world that can be trustee for me Adam Sjödén. / I am sorry I didn't appoint Bernd Joachim Schuller as trustee he surely is the most suitable, with a doctors degree in Economics and a wife psychologist. / I am very sorry I didn't trust in God for a while. / I am sorry to write I appointed the wrong trustee and I never appoint a protestant except for my mother Birgitta Sjödén or my brother Emil Sjödén. / I am so sorry I have blamed my mother and brother. / I am sorry to write I didn't have full belief in Johannes Paulus II from now on I will always have. / I am sorry I distrusted the popes decision yesterday of trustee and let him always decide in the future. / I am sorry to write I didn't have full belief in Johannes Paulus II from now on I will always have. / I am sorry to write I doubted Bernd Joachim Schuller. / I am sorry I distrusted the popes decision yesterday of trustee and let him always decide in the future. / I am sorry to write I didn't trust in the people that had betted against me in the past. / I am sorry I distrusted the popes decision yesterday of trustee and let him always decide in the future. / I am sorry for writing I would shoot Bernd Joachim Schuller in the head I have read in Swedish law that is the only way to change trustee.

Adam appears to be quite obsessed with the idea of truths and lies. He is at war with the unknown and perceives most human interaction as threat. Surely, this is due to his schizophrenia. His struggle for certainty explains his interest in the modern concept of a lie detector: verifiable proof for something that seems metaphysical to Adam. His belief that a lie detector test can "kill the soul" testifies to the fact that he believes truth and godliness are intertwined. In the following excerpts, Adam reverts to the lie detector, his only friend:

She has no right to sell the songs and not get an offshore account to sell the songs if she is not allowed to. Sophie Ellis Bextor will fail a liedetector test stating who wrote the songs. / Please administer a liedetector test who is right because I can't prove I wrote the songs like the persons who wrote lambada that got Legal help and had the song documented on old papers. / I want the people who has used my songs for example Savage Garden to take liedetector tests. / If Savage Garden decides to take a liedetector test it started with that the keyboardist played the intro to Moon and Back and then the singer asked me to write the rest. / I also want a liedetector test on Helena Törnqvist at the Sweden America Foundation. / Alright by Pet Shop Boys is about BinLaden they can deny that but a liedetector test prove otherwise. / I don't think Britney Spears can pass a liedetector test who has written all her songs on her first album. / I hope the people stealing my music take liedetector tests because I want to go to court to prove I have written the songs and I am sane. / Joan Severance said she would lie with Kylie Minogue it was about if I approved that Kylie stole my songs, you can take a liedetector test on that and you can also take a liedetector test on how many times Joan Severance ejaculated me against my will and you will get 100%. / I promise everything I write is true even world trade center in a previous letter. You can take liedetector on that but please do it before I am murdered by nevroleptics. / All I need is to go to court and take a liedetector test and I will win. / I don't remember what Kylie would do or don't if I was Adam Sjödén. Joan Severance said she would lie with Kylie Minogue it was about if I approved that Kylie stole my songs, you can take a liedetector test on that. / I have the right to sue both Joan Severance and Kylie Minogue and I demand they undergo liedetector tests. / Kylie and Joan are perfectly safe this will never go to court and they will never take liedetector tests he is schizofrenic. / I think Danni was murder threatened by her older sister this afternoon before she took over the fund and a simple liedetector test can prove that. / It came back today. If Kylie demands to get the fund back Danni should demand that Kylie took a liedetector test which she is really scared of. / In 1994-1999 Joan Severance did every thing she could to kill me and treated me as a sexslave and that is true you can take liedetector on that. / I take back all appologise to Joan Severance and want her to take a liedetector test. / I take back all appologise to Joan Severance and want her to take a liedetector test. I know a liedetector test can kill the soul but voice liedetector test can not. / Joan Severance might have passed the test on liedetector that I didn't want any money and that is a lie she passed. / I would be really proud of Johannes Paulus II if he dragged the accused persons infor court and liedetector test for stealing my songs. / Kylie can't stand up a liedetector test where she says she didn't send a hitman on Joan Severance so instead she decides to make enemies with me saying I have proposterous accusations and need injections to cure mental illness and never take a liedetector test. / I don't demand anyone to take a liedetector test if I get a life with Kylie Minogue and a liedetector can harm the soul. / A liedetector test will kill Kylies soul so she shouldn't take one. / I promised Kylie Minogue would die from a liedetector test and what I have promised is always true. / I want marry Kylie Minogue and want her soul to live so never take a liedetector test. / I have written all the bets and invented them I swear and promise and can take liedetector how many times as possible. / The catholic church and can not pass a liedetector test that they have murderthreatened me. / Bernd Joachim Schuller has never murderthreatened me and can take liedetectortest on that as many times as possible and has always helped me. / I can take the liedetector as many times as wanted. / My younger brother Emil can't pass the liedetector that he has murderthreatened me tried to brake my arm tried to murder my soul yesterday 2 September and hit me with a hammer in the ribs as hard as he could when I was a child, and had sex with several girls at drunk parties. / My brother Emil is a devil and can never pass a liedetector that he is not. / My younger brother can't pass the liedetector on anything and my sister is inbread. / I appology to Bernd Joachim Schuller who can prove everything in a liedetector test with English staff because Swedish liedetector staff most often lie. / Bernd Joachim Schuller must take liedetector test that he will not donate any of my money against my will. / Bernd Joachim Schuller is the only suitable trustee I have suggested that the Christian church can comply with and Schuller is a good person after taking liedetector test even by the catholic church standards. / I want the darker cardinal to take liedetector that he intended to send a hitman on Jennie Almonds seriously not later than 2 weeks ago. / if I don't agree and take liedetector that I am not forced to donate money against my will. / I just demand a liedetector test and judicial help.The legal help is not of any use if a liedetector test is not applied. The court must be held in America where lie detectors are used. / I want George W. Bush to take liedetector test he sent an innocent man to death because he had a sweaty elbow and tight shirt that gave response and exchanged tests and bribed the liedetector tester.

Adam has an obvious obsession with the musicians Kylie Minogue and Joan Severence. He believes that he has written many of their songs. In the following post, he touches on that subject:

Friday 05/03/2002 12:53:39am

Goodday This is Adam Sjödén.

This will probably be the last entry for a while and it is explicit but I will try to write it as kindly as possible. Joan Severance did a lot to me when I was living alone in my appartment in Skovde. She stole all my songs and harassed me as much as she could. Joan Severance used a beam that penetrate clothes but not bones. She showed me in 1994 that it was a black box she used which generate beams. Perhaps it is used on animals to be more fertile. I was a vegan and very fragile in my body. I was a vegan from 1994 to 1999. The nevroleptics I got gave me ventricular brakedowns in waists and lower abdominal. You never get good after you first got your nevroleptic chock. Psychiatry is a plague that murder millions of people and I support Citizens Commissions on Human Rights. Back to Joan Severance. She used the beams to roll my balls all three of them so there was a constant flow who wanted to get out but was restrained by the clothes. As soon I took my underware off there wasn't many seconds. I was a sexslave she never touched. I had constant activity in my lower abdominal which made my stomach loose all the time but Joan Severance could point the beams so I couldn't hold my stomach either. I know there was beams cause I felt them through my skull a lot of times. Joan Severance burned my testicles on the top where it hurt a lot where they were attached. Perhaps it was the police that did that. My testicles also got burnt in room E302 and E102 in school so it can't be Joan Severance who was all responsible. Joan Severance wet my sleeping bag when I was asleep in 1994 and started doing it while I was awake in 1997 when I gave her good songs on my Ensoniq sampler that she wanted. When I started to play music sometimes she made me go which was disturbing because I had sacred moments with my sampler when I started to play. I often had to sit on one buttock not to go when I played sometime. Joan Severance stole all my music and had it on tape which she didn't give me. If she ever tried to give me my music it can't been more than once. Joan Severance also burnt my kidneys which hurt a lot. Like the testicles she burnt them up on the top. It was torture. Joan Severance wanted me to shut up to Lee Ann Rimes what she did to me, if any one is a thief it is Lee Ann Rimes. I get the picture how Joan Severance convince 13 years old girls I am a sexist racist and at the same time steal my songs. At the same time FBI has a large terrorist file on me. Joan Severance had something I called a fisher effect which made the gender bread like a fish than it wasn't many seconds. Joan Severance must think she has a right to steal my songs since she gave me the most sacred one can give to another human without touching another. She must have hated me really deeply. I want my songs back and monetary compensation for deleting my name from the writer of the song. If it isn't possible to sell a song with Adam Sjödéns name on it because of Christian beliefs than the song shouldn't be produced.

As you can see, Adam Sjödén is a complex man (with a bit of a god complex) and a very unique writer in his voice and topics as well as his medium. I am almost as obsessed with Adam as he is with getting his 200 million dollars. Hopefully I have shown that Adam is a wonderfully mind boggling artist brilliant in his own right. Although such art is considered to be "outsider," we can rest assured that it gives us the deepest glimpse inside the mind of the tormented.

I keep track of all of his work that I can find. If you are interested in reading more of Adam's work, simply search for his name on the internet. I leave you with this post from earlier this morning and a reminder that art is in the eye of the beholder:

Saturday 09/21/2002 11:28:42am

The University of Gotland is closed so I was let in by a lovely woman and allowed me to type on her computer. I hope she is
not punished for that

MacDonalds doesn't have a internet computer any longer. I write to tell that the country of Japan doesn't have 100 million citizens. I am told in school that Japan has 105 million citizens and is an Economic superpower with a trade surplus against USA with 20% every year. Americans import a lot of Japanese cars, that is not true. I am told that the second world war ended with USA dropped an atomic bomb on Japan Hiroshima and 2 million people died in the atomic blast and people still suffer from mutations from the atomic blast. The second world war ended in 1943 and started in 1935. When America bombed Germany Russia invaded Germany and took over entire Europe even until today except for England. Germany got technology from USA after the second world war and make great cars. It is not true that USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and the second world war ended that way, and it is not true that Japan is an Economic superpower, it is not true that Japan has 105 million citizens on that little island range perhaps 20 million people. Russia intended to tell me that Japan was a superpower all my life and Swedish business men believes that Japan has 105 million people and Russia must invade Sweden and then tell the truth and sell Swedish girls as slaves to bordellos in Russia. It is dangerous for Swedish girls. This is the first day in my life I know Clock is an American hamburger chain in the world.

Yours Sincerely Adam Sjödén
Jungmansgatan 408 62152 Visby

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