Browse through the latest editor selections below, or choose a specific editor (or former editor) to see what they've endorsed:
TitleCooled by
Dissertation defenseProfessor Pi
Baseball is a very boring sportyossarian
How I made the Year Nodesgnarl
Modern artfuzzy and blue
Penrose Tilesdem bones
Pim FortuynJet-Poop
The HolocaustFruan
spark plugdanne
Fables from the Book of Yelps and Growlsanthropod
Integrated circuits: a technology fablehramyaegr
The mama and the dancing girl, unfurlingdannye
gene chipiceowl
Crimping Cat-5jaubertmoniker
LandsknechtThe Custodian
Body languagepanamaus
Spontaneous human combustionanotherone
Why the world is more beautiful with a creatorRoninspoon
Avoiding accusations of plagiarismRoninspoon
Sigmund Freud 
Allegory of the CaveJerboaKolinowski
We can meet her for you wholesale: a dreaming girl's singularityThe Custodian
Roman sexualityliveforever
General RelativityGritchka
LSDProfessor Pi
White spacegnarl
Lyndon JohnsonGritchka
Cultural Revolutionyossarian
Petrified Forest National Parkdem bones
paleontologydem bones
KandaharProfessor Pi
Uberman's Sleep Schedulealex
E2 Server Downtime: Saturday April 6 2002N-Wing
The four C's of diamond gradingdem bones
ZippoMr. Hotel
Archived E2 FAQ: How to cite your sourcesRancid_Pickle
So much nothingpanamaus
Antarctica: Life in a dream wonderousheyoka
202-244-3121Mr. Hotel
Andy Warholpanamaus
Archived Everything FAQdem bones
William Gibsondem bones
The "Fuck you, clown!" storyXamot
Simple methods for conversing with those suffering from deathdannye
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