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Maintained By: Zephronias

This is my attempt at doing both NaNoWriMo and Iron Noder 2014. I failed, but will continue this eventually.

This is the ongoing story of Callahan and Drea and the trouble on 3/4ths Market Street.

Currently on hiatus.

1 Another Day Down 3/4ths Market Street (fiction) Zephronias writeup
2 The Man in Black Comes to 3/4ths Market Street (Part One) (fiction) Zephronias writeup
3 The Man in Black Comes to 3/4ths Market Street (Part Two) (fiction) Zephronias writeup
4 The Man in Black Comes to 3/4ths Market Street (Part Three) (fiction) Zephronias writeup
5 The Man in Black Comes to 3/4ths Market Street (Part Four) (fiction) Zephronias writeup