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Maintained By: lizardinlaw

Grundoon and I were raised with music and memorized songs. We did not have a television until I was 9 and she was six. She and my father and I recorded some of the family songs before they both died in 2012 and 2013. We were raised on the songs.

1 Dark As A Dungeon (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
2 Down by the Salley Gardens (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
3 Billy Barlow (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
4 Pack up your sorrows (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
5 Long Black Veil (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
6 My name is Samuel Hall (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
7 Waltzing with Bears (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
8 if I was goody (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
9 The Brewer's Big Horses (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
10 Bessie, the drunkard's own child (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
11 Paper of pins (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
12 I shall leave you (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
13 Stages of grief: anger (essay) lizardinlaw writeup
14 mud, mud, glorious mud (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
15 don't put it in your mouth (thing) lizardinlaw writeup