The following text has been translated between English, French, Portuguese, and Italian, using a computer automated translation service. Can computers do an adequate job of translating between human languages? Judge for yourself!

The jobs of the translation automate to you from the calculating had existed during a complete definitive hour, but, because this famous example, the challenge of the meant one if to communicate exactly a job of the translation for the fists of the calculating too much seems to be large in the way those. It turns out you of problem give to you that the some languages differ from consideravelmente in the grammar, the sintassi and the dictionary. The literal translation between two, limits the relative languages exactly, is unsatisfactory to give to you the meant one and to the intention of the text it begins them. The computers difettano of in full load in the acquaintance, one characteristic necessary of good translator. In order correctly translate, the Marches of the examination also of a talent for the poetry, as the translator must find "the good ones rollback of the words" in the new language, that the new context means the base, the extremity just for giving the intention of the author begins them.

To more illustrate the insufficiency than more of the calculating that has automated the translation, me will include three poetries of the haiku for Basho. These poetries same they had been translate of the Japanese in English for the human translators, before the subject to mangling of translation of the machine for the calculating:

The old lagoon!
A râ the song of the water
jumps the inside --.  

The moon of the summer 
polishes in the momentary dreams 
in the potenziometro of the polipo.  

A flash of the lightning bolt!  
Screech of a flight of the night-heron 
for the current lack electrical worker.