The prostate is a gland located in the male pelvis which varies in size but usually nears the size of a walnut, measuring at 3-4 centimeters long by 3-5 centimeters in width and weighs about 20 grams. It is found behind the pubic bone, in front of the rectum, and below the bladder, surrounded by the pelvic muscles.

The prostate, in fact, surrounds the urethra as it runs from the bladder to the penis and travels in the center of the gland. The seminal vesicles attach to the prostate and produce fluid that mixes with prostate fluid to form semen. There are also tubes from the testicles carry sperm to the prostate where the sperm are combined with the prostate and seminal vesicle fluid therein. This fluid is then ejaculated during orgasm by a connection to the urethra called the ejaculatory ducts.