The Problem here is that there are several misconceptions raging together at once. In an effort to increase the peace, I'm going to try to do my best to try to work some things out.

  • Nice guys are nice simply to get into womens' knickers.

    Perhaps it comes from distrust of all men, or just a desire to be mean, but this seems to be one of the most common things I hear. Do people assume that the sole goal of every male is to 'dip his pen'? Granted there are some guys who do pull this charade, but the vast majority of guys who hold the door open for a lady do it out a genuine desire to be thoughtful.

  • All Nice Guys' want out of life it to please a woman

    Ranking number two on this list is this little one, is that women don't go after 'nice guys' because they are one-dimensional beings, devoid of any depth of character. This is a half-truth, but a potent one. Many nice guys simply don't know how to go about things when dealing with the opposite sex - they have been rejected all their lives and such have never 'learned' the rhetoric that society expects. And so, going on this, they can tend to go overboard and try to impress the girl as much possible.

    This is where women have to take action. Instead of just dumping them off, like so many are apt to do, try telling them what they're doing wrong. If you "like them except for", you don't like them for many other reason, and you have no right to say "they were too nice".

  • They're not really Nice

    This happens all too often. I will go as far as to agree that this happens - there are guys who only think they're nice. However, the practical offshot of this is, in accordance to the theory that women prefer assholes, they end up getting the girl.

The basic problem here is one simple thing: Respect. Nice Guys are resigned to say that women suck, and women are resigned to say nice guys aren't. This is a flawed philosophy. Stereotyping will not help you choose or keep a mate, full stop.

One last thing: Seldom will you ever hear of any Nice Guy whining about how much Nice Guys are pissed on when said Nice Guy has a girlfriend. This is because, when a nice guy has a girlfriend, few of the above generalizations continue to be true. I am a nice guy and I don't complain for that very reason.