Karoshi - the goal is to die

Karoshi is a puzzle/ platform freeware game created by (Jesse Venbrux for) Armour Games in which you control a salaryman, helping him to find a way to kill himself in each level.

I found Karoshi: Suicide Salaryman on one of my frequent visits to newgrounds.com and it was my introduction to the series. I have recently clocked Super Karoshi save for the secret level at the end of the game, which I think you aren't supposed to clock anyway... (believing that makes me feel good; please don't bust my bubble if you know otherwise)

Below is the list (because who doesn't love lists?) of all 5 Karoshi PC games in order from oldest to newest:

  • karoshi
  • karoshi 2.0
  • karoshi Factory
  • karoshi: Suicide Salaryman
  • Super Karoshi

The last two can be played on your browser while the others are download-able. More recently you've also got the option to get the new 'Mr.Karoshi' title on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad or your Android.